My name is Michelle, and I won't give you my last name because.. well that'd be creepy. I tend to have extremely random nicknames, hell I'm from Iowa what more do we have to do other than give each.. other nicknames..? >.>;; Shh.. the corn.. doesn't allow us to do many things.
So I am so very in love with writing, as well as with Art. I actually plan to major in Fine Arts, with an emphasis on writing! So.. YEAH!!
I suppose for all you ***** out there, you may be wonderin' muh age. See if you can tap it, unfortunately I'm almost legal. I know, I know... that just takes ALL the fun out of it. I'm 17, so I gots me a good year before bein' legal. Hmn, I guess I'm really far to lazy to put any more effort into this.
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