Die Fishy Die

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Registered: 08/03/2003

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IDTS Report | 01/26/2024 4:58 pm
the guy you were talking to in that thread? on my friend list. pm'd me about me. we're cool. i'm super sarcastic. he took it how i hoped you'd both take it - you ******** up but it's ok, just stop bumping it and be more self-aware. and then, you know, move on. nobody other than you two were bumping it or paying attention to it and i was hoping to avoid direct confrontation with you bc idk you and i'm not in the mood for it in case you don't know how to take things and it wasn't as serious to you as it was to me - until you made it more serious.

someone's having a hard time and you elect to keep making sure they don't forget it. then they bring it up, and instead of just moving on, you make it a bigger deal. and the fact that they call you out on it makes them a snob? and that make you WANT to keep being a jerk?

holy crap.

seek help. that's insane behavior. wanting to continue to hurt someone just bc they told you your actions were hurting them.

i had an ex like that. he died back in october. i hope you don't behave this way to other people in your actual real life, bc the consequences of that? they're happy when you're off the planet.

learning lesson from the snob you were a d**k to - if someone says your behavior is causing pain, STOP THE BEHAVIOR AND DON'T BLAME THE OTHER PERSON FOR IT. bye.
IDTS Report | 01/25/2024 2:52 pm

everyone in cb knows it's rude to carry on outside convos in someone's thread the day the thread is posted, much less keep it going for days

it's weird to not just say "oops, true, my fault." but i'm glad this was your reaction.
IDTS Report | 01/23/2024 3:56 pm
it's all good
been a little busy with some light carbon monoxide poisoning, lack of heat in 10 degree weather for 5 days, no boiler, etc etc! lol
just kept logging in and seeing notifications for a thread of mine that should have died last week
Faery Nuff Report | 06/13/2023 5:01 pm
My son is the same. He takes after all my male relations, they're all solidly built!
He's not fat but he never takes his top off in front of anyone, which is sad as he shouldn't be worrying about stuff like that.

Please excuse my morbid curiosity!
Faery Nuff Report | 06/13/2023 4:44 pm
It was still 27c here at 9pm
Our house has MASSIVE windows and catches the sun all day so it's like an oven in here.
I've had the blinds down and all the doors and windows open but we're still all cooking!

I think we'll go and swim in the river tomorrow after school; cool down a bit!

I'm always amazed at just how much damage there is!
I'd love to have a look.

Faery Nuff Report | 06/13/2023 4:21 pm
I don't usually min=d the heat but it's been sticky hot here the last 2 days and it's exhausting.
It doesn't agree with my meds and I haven't slept much and I'm cranky!

We don't get hurricanes here really, not like you do them over in the US.
Faery Nuff Report | 06/13/2023 4:07 pm
Sounds like me.
I melted too!
Faery Nuff Report | 06/13/2023 12:52 pm
What happened to your ice cream?
Satyros Report | 03/13/2023 5:54 pm
Aw, that avatar is really cute!
Satyros Report | 03/12/2023 12:11 pm