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MASTER STESSIE on 11/01/2024


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jario maon

jario maon's avatar

Gender: Male

Location: Still here in Tucson, AZ.

Birthday: 10/23

Occupation: Professional Balloon Artist and Freelance Graphics Designer

Personal Website

Wish List


donators <3

Mad Hatter <3<3
DotHacker(z) <3<3
Kookie Monster II <3<3
Tower of Leires<3<3<3<3<3<3
X_Toxic Rainbow Kisses_X<3<3<3<3<3
Sis Smii <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Orgasmic Sharpii <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
and everyone else in the random gift giving thread.(official remake)<3<3<3<3


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NeoHolyKnight Report | 11/09/2019 2:35 pm
Jario? How have you been?
NeoHolyKnight Report | 11/09/2019 2:28 pm
Jario. Sup bro?
NeoHolyKnight Report | 11/05/2019 9:13 pm
And heh to your Casshern video. Love that movie.
NeoHolyKnight Report | 11/05/2019 9:02 pm
Whoa! Heeyyy!
LexiHime Report | 08/15/2019 6:53 am
cool avi
pxchybxn Report | 04/29/2019 7:04 am
~thank you for buying from my store! have a wonderful day!~
NeoHolyKnight Report | 04/19/2019 6:49 am
NeoHolyKnight Report | 04/18/2019 11:37 pm
Yo. Sup?
NeoHolyKnight Report | 04/15/2019 12:06 am =D
NeoHolyKnight Report | 04/14/2019 7:09 pm
Fun question. Do you know how many swords one can have on all on one Avatar? I know at least 14 =D

my most recent worth

jario maon's Account is Worth: 4,867,222 ($121.68 at 100,000 gold per $2.50)

* 2008 Rejected Olympics Gold Trophy 1,000
* 2009 Gaia Anniversary Sash - 2004 Edition 30,000
* 21 Shades 1,000
* 21 Shades 1,000
* Ace Meow 12,555
* Adoring Fans 1,300
* Android Damage Prosthetics 45
* Angel Imp Plushie 33,700
* Angel Wings Back Tattoo 4,500
* Angelic Mood Bubble 2,100
* Antique Globe 1
* Armadillo Pinball 50
* Auspice Doll 10,500
* B.O.O. Robes 3,100
* B.O.O. Shield 3,500
* Bacon Bits 89,000
* Bakeneko Eyebrow Whiskers 900
* Bakeneko Whiskers 900
* Barrel Apparel 500
* Benkei's Trousers Black 4,800
* Benkei's Trousers Green 4,800
* Benkei's Trousers Red 4,800
* Black Bakeneko Ears 1,920
* Black Bakeneko Tail 2,220
* Black Baseball Jersey 3,480
* Black Cross Belts 3,000
* Black Eye Stripe Tattoo 5,000
* Black GetaGRIP Gloves 1,190
* Black Goth Boots - M 550
* Black Heartbreaker Jacket 5,640
* Black High School Long Coat 1,000
* Black Nosey Face Tattoo 166
* Black Ops Gear 65,000
* Black Rainy Shorts 2,400
* Black Silk Boxers 1,001
* Black Silk Boxers 1,001
* Black Silk Boxers 1,001
* Black Silk Boxers 1,001
* Black Silk Boxers 1,001
* Black Top Hat 4,111
* Blade's Gold Chainmail Tunic 35,400
* Blaze Valentine's Day Photo 2,900
* Blockhead 100
* Blonde Yamanba Wig 9,300
* Bloody Arm Bandage 480
* Bloody Head Bandage 420
* Blue Doggie Animal Balloon 145
* Blue Dragon Tail 300
* Blue Flame Shirt 125
* Blue Rainy Shorts 2,400
* Bone Scythe 10,500
* Bone Scythe 10,500
* Bouncy Antennae 4
* Brown Baseball Mitt 3,300
* Brown Stripes Left Arm Tattoo 1,200
* Buck Teeth 650
* Buck Teeth 650
* Buck Teeth 650
* Bullseye Shirt 60
* Bunny Scarf 2,500
* Camp Chaos Secret Stage Sash 20
* Castaway Black Shirt 100
* Castaway Pearl Shirt 100
* Cat Gloves 2,300
* Catastrophe! 8,000
* Catastrophe! 8,000
* Catastrophe! 8,000
* Chapeau Demonique 5,700
* Charcoal Cat Mask 1,200
* Cheer-O-Meter 900
* Chicken Mask 150
* Chicken Mask 150
* Chicken Mask 150
* Christmas Stocking 40
* Cig 500
* Coco Kitty Mascot Suit 16,660
* Colbert 500
* Colbert 500
* Cool Starter Ninja Mask 5
* Cool Starter Ninja Pants 5
* Cool Starter Ninja Tabis 5
* Coraline Button Eyes 500
* Cowhide Santa Hat 380
* Crying Emote Mask 150
* Cuttlefish Keytar 124
* Cuttlefish Skull Mask 7
* DandiiDooDad Spore 2nd. Gen 5,200
* Dark Cape 15,000
* Dark Elf's Aura 9,900
* Dark Elf's Circlet 2,500
* Dark Elf's Light Armor 500
* Dark Elf's Spider Dagger 1,700
* Dark Tuxedo Coat 2,500
* Dashing Gentleman Ruby Vest 27,000
* Deadly Mood Bubble 8,000
* Demonic Armor 79,000
* Demonic Armor 79,000
* Deoxygenated Apocaripped Scarf 840
* Devil Imp Plushie 24,500
* Dewy the Homicidal Ferret 49,000
* Doves 3,000
* Dried Grass Hat 5
* Dunce Cap 1
* Ebony Ookami Armor 5,100
* Elf Hat 395
* Elf Science 68
* Elf Style Pants 505
* Elf Style Shirt 460
* Entourage Shades 2,300
* Epic Fail Hat 15,000
* Error 32,000
* Eye Bandage 300
* FAQ hat 19,999
* Face Veil 8
* Feet of the Black Beast 89,000
* Feet of the Black Beast 89,000
* Fitness Camp Diet Food 20,000
* Flame Pants 250
* Flame Sword 200,000
* Flame Sword 200,000
* Flashy Summer Top 100
* Flashy Summer Top 100
* Flashy Summer Top 100
* Flower Wrist Band 38
* Flower on my Head 40
* Forum Badge (ED) 5
* Forum Badge (GCD) 5
* Four Horsemen 26,900
* Fox Ears 3,650
* Fox Tail 5,000
* Fresh Grass Skirt 90
* Frostbite Blade 45,000
* Full Body Cast 500
* G Blade 290,000
* G-Team Ranger Red Belt 2,100
* Gaia 2nd Anniversary Party Hat 10,000
* Gaia Wing Scarf 300
* Garbage Wings 3,450
* Gills 4,000
* Golden Snitch 50
* Golden Snitch 50
* Gonk Emote Mask 150
* Gray Peasant Booties - M 35
* Gray Peasant's Pants 25
* Gray Peasant's Pants 25
* Gray Torque Pants 1,140
* Greco Roman Pants Olive 300
* Green Flame Shirt 125
* Green Flame Shirt 125
* Green Flame Shirt 125
* Green Goth Boots 550
* Green Lizardman 50,000
* Green Octopus (on my head) 1
* Green Octopus (on my head) 1
* Green Octopus (on my head) 1
* Green Torque Pants 1,140
* Grip Messenger Bag 4,500
* Grizzly Hoodie 109,990
* Gung Xi Pants 550
* Guys Gung Xi Top 3,100
* Gwee the Dragon 72,999
* HIPster Red Tint Shades 6,500
* Harry Potter Luna's Spectrespecs 25
* Harry Potter Quidditch Uniform 143
* Harry Potter Slytherin Scarf 350
* Harry Potter Student Cauldron 45
* Harry Potter's Wand 100
* Head Bandage 420
* Headband 650
* Heart Boxers 1,007
* Heart Shaped Box of Sweets 100
* Heart of Gold 6,500
* Heartbreaker 90,000
* Heavenly Awesome 9,000
* Heavenly Drapes 24,900
* Henry Hatsworth's Bowler Hat 100
* Heroes Eclipse 4,400
* Hockey Mask 70
* Holly Candle 28
* Holography 11,000
* Holy Gauntlets 41,000
* Horns of the Conquered Prince 2,600
* Human's Crowbar 10,000
* Human's Makeshift Helmet 150
* Human's Makeshift Shield 450
* International Gasmask (Switzerland) 12,000
* Inverted L Blox 100
* Iron Maiden 1,100
* Island Girl Wig 100
* Island Girl Wig 100
* Jack Uniform Gloves 4,200
* Jack Uniform Pants 499
* Jack's 2k7 Armor Boots 1,100
* Jack's 2k7 Armor Gloves 420
* Jack's 2k7 Armor Plate 700
* Jack's 2k7 Headphones 2,450
* Jack's 2k9 Boots 680
* Jack's 2k9 Creepy Claws 11,400
* Jack's 2k9 Giant Lollipop 675
* Jack's 2k9 Ominous Mask 1,350
* Jack's 2k9 Pants 148
* Jack's 2k9 Pumpkin Lantern 1,000
* Jack's 2k9 Vest 278
* Jacked Belt 4,000
* Jacked Up Cape 30,000
* Jackster Pointy Shoes 140
* Jackster Puffy Pants 40
* Jackster Tunic 60
* Jackster Wand 399
* Jade Peasant Booties - M 35
* Jade Peasant's Pants 35
* Jade Peasant's Pants 35
* Jade Peasant's Pants 35
* Javelin Impalement 420
* Jumbo Hotdog 600
* Juvie Camp Shabby Beanie 9,856
* Juvie Camp Striped Hoodie 475
* Kill Lanzer Top 5,000
* Knocked Out Teeth 146
* Kokeshi Fan 120
* Kung Fu Panda (white belt) 700
* Kung Fu Panda Bamboo Staff 1,250
* Kung Fu Panda Chinese Star 900
* Kung Fu Panda Dragon Scroll 300
* L Blox 100
* Langer the Dragon Plush 4
* Langer the Dragon Plush 4
* Lawn Gnome's Beard 2
* Leap Year Frog 195
* Leather Elf Shoes 249
* Left T Blox 100
* Leviathan's Grace (Chest) 1
* Liam's Tank 5,600
* Lidless Demon Armor (Leggings) 1,000
* Lidless Demon Armor (Leggings) 1,000
* Lidless Demon Armor (Leggings) 1,000
* Lidless Demon Armor (Leggings) 1,000
* Lightning Bolt 600
* Lime Ring Pop 15
* Long Black Socks 150
* Long White Socks 150
* Lost Odyssey (Kaim's Armor) 175
* Lost Odyssey (Kaim's Armor) 175
* Loving Heart Mood Bubble 50,000
* Lunar Scythe 72,000
* MUltipants 7,500
* Magic Forest Orb 50
* Magic Island Orb 250
* Magic Mountain Orb 1,100
* Magic Plains Orb 350
* Magic Plains Orb 350
* Magic Swamp Orb 10
* Magic Swamp Orb 10
* Mantis Mask 100
* Mantis Mask 100
* Men's Wearhouse Gloves 150
* Michael's Memory 50
* Michael's Memory 50
* Michael's Memory 50
* Michael's Memory 50
* Michael's Memory 50
* Michael's Memory 50
* Michael's Memory 50
* Mimzy Aura 2,100
* Moira Valentine's Day Photo 30,000
* Moira's Wig 1,190
* Mokona Hat 7,900
* Mountain of Presents 130
* My Own Little Elftech 300
* Nautilus 2
* Neck Shackle 5,000
* Neutral Dress Starter Slacks 2
* Neutral Sporty Starter Shorts 2
* Neutral Starter Ninja Pants 5
* Neutral Starter Ninja Tabis 5
* Neutral Starter Ninja Tunic 5
* Neutral Starter Polo 2
* Nicolae's Underwear 600
* Ninja Emote Mask 150
* Ninja Fish Shadow Gear 46,000
* Ninja Gi 1,600
* Ninja Pants 2,000
* Nitemare Collar 2,500
* Nitemare Sash 130,000
* Null Fluff Plushie 6,800
* Nurses Hat 100
* OMFG 525,000
* Ocean Cut Off Shorts 150
* Ocean Summer Top 105
* Ohh~Cean Black Head Wrap 100
* Ohh~Cean Red Head Wrap 100
* Ohh~Cean Red Head Wrap 100
* Omnidrink Personal Improvement Spray 495
* Orange Foam Hand 1,560
* Othersider Night Vision Goggles 400
* Overseer Figurine 35
* Overseer Tarp Cape 600
* Overseer's Gift 0
* Oversized Carrot 480
* Peelunger 500
* Pirate Emote Mask 150
* Planet 51 Space Suit 55
* Plastic Bag 15
* Possessed Puppet Mask 3,300
* Prom Monarch's Collar 495
* Pudgie the Sparrow 27,999
* Radicool Chill Trim Shorts 30
* Rain Zebra Shoes 200
* Rain Zebra Shoes 200
* Rain Zebra Shoes 200
* Rallen's Sword 944
* Really Jacked Up Shirt 25,000
* Red Baseball Cap 2,820
* Red Heart Balloon 7,777
* Red Heart Glasses 3,800
* Red Rainy Shorts 2,400
* Red Silly Hat 50
* Red Tie 820
* Regalia of Ancient Fire (Leggings) 1
* Regalia of Ancient Fire (Leggings) 1
* Rejected Olympic Torch 650
* Ribbon Luv Sleeves Black 1,200
* Ring Polisher Canister 4,365
* Ring Polisher Canister 4,365
* Rock Hard 49,000
* Rock Puppy 26,646
* Romani Glasses 1,800
* Rough Blue Jeans 550
* Ruby Galaxy Helmet 5,280
* Ruby's Bonnet 60
* Rufus Cosplay 6,000
* S Blox 100
* S Blox 100
* S.I.N. Medallion 630
* SOS Picket Sign 2
* Sakura's Cloak 900
* Samurai Yoroi 31,000
* Sand Summer Top 99
* Santa Cow Plushie 700
* Sasha Valentine's Day Photo 1,600
* Scar of Hero 1,450
* Science Camp Beaker & Tongs 3,800
* Science Camp Thick Eyeglasses 6,500
* Scream Emote Mask 150
* Sea Anemone Bouquet 200
* Second Hand Power Drink 160
* Seeing Stone 85
* Sentinel's Death Portal 7,000
* Shadow Spirit 90,000
* Shocked Emote Mask 150
* Short Black Socks 150
* Short Red Socks 150
* Short White Socks 150
* Shotfork 2,650
* Shovel Blade 500
* Silk Bowtie 20,344
* Silver Heart Belt 8,500
* Single Horn 2,000
* Skittles Crazy Core Body Tattoo 10
* Skittles Crazy Core Contacts 100
* Skittles Crazy Core Glasses 40
* Skittles Crazy Core Glasses 40
* Skittles Crazy Core Glasses 40
* Skittles Crazy Core Tuxedo 1,500
* Skittles Crazy Cores Backpack Ultra 800
* Skittles Crazy Cores Backpack Ultra 800
* Skittles Crazy Cores Backpack Ultra 800
* Skittles Crazy Cores Cherry-Lemonade Wrist Watch 134
* Skittles Crazy Cores Earrings (melon berry) 45
* Skittles Crazy Cores Earrings (melon berry) 45
* Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint 1
* Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint 1
* Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint 1
* Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint 1
* Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint 1
* Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint 1
* Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint 1
* Skittles Crazy Cores Hair 24
* Skittles Crazy Cores Necklace 3
* Skittles Crazy Cores Necklace 3
* Skittles Crazy Cores Top Hat 1,085
* Slime 100
* Smashing Cities 12,000
* Snowbored Gloves Blue 800
* Snowbored Gloves Red 800
* Snowbored Pants Green 1,780
* Snowman Mask 100
* Soldat Alpine Pants 6,300
* Sour Patch Kids Angel and Devil Buddies 950
* Sour Patch Kids Buddy 149
* Space Bubble 130
* Spear of the Overseer 5,000
* Spiderwick Field Guide 50
* Spirited 2k6 Candy Cane 3,500
* Spirited 2k6 Gift Bag 600
* Spirited 2k7 Socks 95
* Spirited 2k8 Santa Hat 70
* Spirited 2k8 Scarf 80
* Spirited 2k9 Captain's Boots 50
* Spirited 2k9 Captain's Coat 649
* Spirited 2k9 Casimir Fascinator 999
* Stallion Black Polyester Suit Jacket 900
* Starhat 25
* Street Fighter IV Megapack 9,900
* Street Fighter IV Megapack 9,900
* Suede Ribbed Shirt 300
* Suede Ribbed Shirt 300
* Sunburn 199
* Super Dancey Dance 16,500
* Super Powers 80,700
* Super Powers 80,700
* Supercharger Battery 44,000
* Supercharger Battery 44,000
* Supercharger Battery 44,000
* Supercharger Generator 79,000
* Sushi Error 190,900
* Syaoran's Cloak 2,299
* Syaoran's Goggles 1,300
* TM (Time Piece) 45,990
* Tail of the Black Beast 35,000
* Tan Peasant's Shirt 25
* Tangled Christmas Lights 55
* Team Aekea Tennis Polo Shirt 3,960
* Team Durem Tennis Polo Shirt 3,960
* Textbook Tower 795
* That 70s White Shirt 2,500
* The Gift 500
* The Jack-O-Lantern 2,000
* The Jack-et 13,331
* Those 70s White Pants 2,000
* Those Black 90s Pants 2,500
* Those Blue 90s Gloves 965
* Tinsel Halo 50
* Tiny Terror Doll 50
* Titan's Legacy (Seed) 550
* Titan's Legacy (Seed) 550
* Titan's Legacy (Seed) 550
* Titan's Legacy (Seed) 550
* Titan's Legacy (Seed) 550
* Town Flags 345
* Triple Demon Horns 3,000
* Tsunami KO Classic Cap 1,500
* Tsunami KO Classic Coat 9,540
* Tsunami KO Classic Shirt 1,200
* Tuga the Narwhal Plush 2,000
* Tuxedo Bakeneko Bottom 1,800
* Tuxedo Bakeneko Facepaint 1,200
* Tuxedo Bakeneko Top 2,280
* Embryonic Vial 120,000
* Unibrow 1,999
* Vampire's Blood Moon 5,000
* Vampire's Coffin 2,011
* Vampire's Fangs (RAWR) 6,900
* Vanessa Valentine's Day Photo 2,500
* Warm Starter Ninja Mask 5
* Warm Starter Ninja Pants 5
* Water Puddle 50
* Water Puddle 50
* Water Puddle 50
* Water Puddle 50
* Western Zodiac 120,000
* Wheat Stalk 500
* White Baseball Jersey 3,480
* White Egg 50
* White Medical Gloves 200
* White Medical Gloves 200
* White Medical Gloves 200
* White Paper Cat Band 110
* White Rainy Shorts 2,400
* White Tuxedo Pants 2,500
* White Zoot Suit Tapa 900
* White Zoot Suit Tramas 1,080
* Wild West Holster 2,100
* Wind Halo 3,500
* Winter Snow Crystal 8,900
* Xmas 2k10 Event Elftech Shoes & Stockings 55
* Xmas 2k9 Overseer's Makeshift Red Engine Doll 5
* YARLY! Hat 25,000
* Year One Armor 118
* Year One Soldier's Sword 1,999
* Yellow Rainy Shorts 2,400
* Yokai's Treasure 49,000
* You are a Cow 3,999
* Z Blox 100
* Zhou Yu's Staff 500
* Zombie's Final Mutation 6,600
* Zombie's Gelatin Brain on a Silver Platter 120
* Zombie's Soul 1,350
* n_n Glasses 35,000
* omnomnom Hat 40,000

* OMFG 525,000
* G Blade 290,000
* Flame Sword 200,000
* Flame Sword 200,000
* Sushi Error 190,900
* Nitemare Sash 130,000
* Western Zodiac 120,000
* Embryonic Vial 120,000
* Grizzly Hoodie 109,990
* Heartbreaker 90,000
* Shadow Spirit 90,000
* Feet of the Black Beast 89,000
* Feet of the Black Beast 89,000
* Bacon Bits 89,000
* Super Powers 80,700
* Super Powers 80,700
* Supercharger Generator 79,000
* Demonic Armor 79,000
* Demonic Armor 79,000
* Gwee the Dragon 72,999
* Lunar Scythe 72,000
* Black Ops Gear 65,000
* Loving Heart Mood Bubble 50,000
* Green Lizardman 50,000
* Rock Hard 49,000
* Yokai's Treasure 49,000
* Dewy the Homicidal Ferret 49,000
* Ninja Fish Shadow Gear 46,000
* TM (Time Piece) 45,990
* Frostbite Blade 45,000
* Supercharger Battery 44,000
* Supercharger Battery 44,000
* Supercharger Battery 44,000
* Holy Gauntlets 41,000
* omnomnom Hat 40,000
* Blade's Gold Chainmail Tunic 35,400
* n_n Glasses 35,000
* Tail of the Black Beast 35,000
* Angel Imp Plushie 33,700
* Error 32,000
* Samurai Yoroi 31,000
* Moira Valentine's Day Photo 30,000
* 2009 Gaia Anniversary Sash - 2004 Edition 30,000
* Jacked Up Cape 30,000
* Pudgie the Sparrow 27,999
* Dashing Gentleman Ruby Vest 27,000
* Four Horsemen 26,900
* Rock Puppy 26,646
* YARLY! Hat 25,000
* Really Jacked Up Shirt 25,000
* Heavenly Drapes 24,900
* Devil Imp Plushie 24,500
* Silk Bowtie 20,344
* Fitness Camp Diet Food 20,000
* FAQ hat 19,999
* Coco Kitty Mascot Suit 16,660
* Super Dancey Dance 16,500
* Epic Fail Hat 15,000
* Dark Cape 15,000
* The Jack-et 13,331
* Ace Meow 12,555
* Smashing Cities 12,000
* International Gasmask (Switzerland) 12,000
* Jack's 2k9 Creepy Claws 11,400
* Holography 11,000
* Auspice Doll 10,500
* Bone Scythe 10,500
* Bone Scythe 10,500
* Human's Crowbar 10,000
* Gaia 2nd Anniversary Party Hat 10,000
* Dark Elf's Aura 9,900
* Street Fighter IV Megapack 9,900
* Street Fighter IV Megapack 9,900
* Juvie Camp Shabby Beanie 9,856
* Tsunami KO Classic Coat 9,540
* Blonde Yamanba Wig 9,300
* Heavenly Awesome 9,000
* Winter Snow Crystal 8,900
* Silver Heart Belt 8,500
* Deadly Mood Bubble 8,000
* Catastrophe! 8,000
* Catastrophe! 8,000
* Catastrophe! 8,000
* Mokona Hat 7,900
* Red Heart Balloon 7,777
* MUltipants 7,500
* Sentinel's Death Portal 7,000
* Vampire's Fangs (RAWR) 6,900
* Null Fluff Plushie 6,800
* Zombie's Final Mutation 6,600
* Heart of Gold 6,500
* HIPster Red Tint Shades 6,500
* Science Camp Thick Eyeglasses 6,500
* Soldat Alpine Pants 6,300
* Rufus Cosplay 6,000
* Chapeau Demonique 5,700
* Black Heartbreaker Jacket 5,640
* Liam's Tank 5,600
* Ruby Galaxy Helmet 5,280
* DandiiDooDad Spore 2nd. Gen 5,200
* Ebony Ookami Armor 5,100
* Fox Tail 5,000
* Vampire's Blood Moon 5,000
* Black Eye Stripe Tattoo 5,000
* Kill Lanzer Top 5,000
* Neck Shackle 5,000
* Spear of the Overseer 5,000
* Benkei's Trousers Black 4,800
* Benkei's Trousers Red 4,800
* Benkei's Trousers Green 4,800
* Angel Wings Back Tattoo 4,500
* Grip Messenger Bag 4,500
* Heroes Eclipse 4,400
* Ring Polisher Canister 4,365
* Ring Polisher Canister 4,365
* Jack Uniform Gloves 4,200
* Black Top Hat 4,111
* Jacked Belt 4,000
* Gills 4,000
* You are a Cow 3,999
* Team Aekea Tennis Polo Shirt 3,960
* Team Durem Tennis Polo Shirt 3,960
* Red Heart Glasses 3,800
* Science Camp Beaker & Tongs 3,800
* Fox Ears 3,650
* Spirited 2k6 Candy Cane 3,500
* Wind Halo 3,500
* B.O.O. Shield 3,500
* Black Baseball Jersey 3,480
* White Baseball Jersey 3,480
* Garbage Wings 3,450
* Possessed Puppet Mask 3,300
* Brown Baseball Mitt 3,300
* Guys Gung Xi Top 3,100
* B.O.O. Robes 3,100
* Black Cross Belts 3,000
* Doves 3,000
* Triple Demon Horns 3,000
* Blaze Valentine's Day Photo 2,900
* Red Baseball Cap 2,820
* Shotfork 2,650
* Horns of the Conquered Prince 2,600
* Vanessa Valentine's Day Photo 2,500
* Dark Elf's Circlet 2,500
* Dark Tuxedo Coat 2,500
* Those Black 90s Pants 2,500
* Bunny Scarf 2,500
* That 70s White Shirt 2,500
* White Tuxedo Pants 2,500
* Nitemare Collar 2,500
* Jack's 2k7 Headphones 2,450
* Yellow Rainy Shorts 2,400
* Red Rainy Shorts 2,400
* White Rainy Shorts 2,400
* Black Rainy Shorts 2,400
* Blue Rainy Shorts 2,400
* Entourage Shades 2,300
* Cat Gloves 2,300
* Syaoran's Cloak 2,299
* Tuxedo Bakeneko Top 2,280
* Black Bakeneko Tail 2,220
* Mimzy Aura 2,100
* Angelic Mood Bubble 2,100
* G-Team Ranger Red Belt 2,100
* Wild West Holster 2,100
* Vampire's Coffin 2,011
* Tuga the Narwhal Plush 2,000
* The Jack-O-Lantern 2,000
* Those 70s White Pants 2,000
* Ninja Pants 2,000
* Single Horn 2,000
* Unibrow 1,999
* Year One Soldier's Sword 1,999
* Black Bakeneko Ears 1,920
* Romani Glasses 1,800
* Tuxedo Bakeneko Bottom 1,800
* Snowbored Pants Green 1,780
* Dark Elf's Spider Dagger 1,700
* Sasha Valentine's Day Photo 1,600
* Ninja Gi 1,600
* Orange Foam Hand 1,560
* Skittles Crazy Core Tuxedo 1,500
* Tsunami KO Classic Cap 1,500
* Scar of Hero 1,450
* Zombie's Soul 1,350
* Jack's 2k9 Ominous Mask 1,350
* Adoring Fans 1,300
* Syaoran's Goggles 1,300
* Kung Fu Panda Bamboo Staff 1,250
* Ribbon Luv Sleeves Black 1,200
* Tsunami KO Classic Shirt 1,200
* Brown Stripes Left Arm Tattoo 1,200
* Charcoal Cat Mask 1,200
* Tuxedo Bakeneko Facepaint 1,200
* Moira's Wig 1,190
* Black GetaGRIP Gloves 1,190
* Green Torque Pants 1,140
* Gray Torque Pants 1,140
* Magic Mountain Orb 1,100
* Jack's 2k7 Armor Boots 1,100
* Iron Maiden 1,100
* Skittles Crazy Cores Top Hat 1,085
* White Zoot Suit Tramas 1,080
* Heart Boxers 1,007
* Black Silk Boxers 1,001
* Black Silk Boxers 1,001
* Black Silk Boxers 1,001
* Black Silk Boxers 1,001
* Black Silk Boxers 1,001
* 2008 Rejected Olympics Gold Trophy 1,000
* 21 Shades 1,000
* 21 Shades 1,000
* Black High School Long Coat 1,000
* Lidless Demon Armor (Leggings) 1,000
* Jack's 2k9 Pumpkin Lantern 1,000
* Lidless Demon Armor (Leggings) 1,000
* Lidless Demon Armor (Leggings) 1,000
* Lidless Demon Armor (Leggings) 1,000
* Spirited 2k9 Casimir Fascinator 999
* Those Blue 90s Gloves 965
* Sour Patch Kids Angel and Devil Buddies 950
* Rallen's Sword 944
* Cheer-O-Meter 900
* Kung Fu Panda Chinese Star 900
* Stallion Black Polyester Suit Jacket 900
* Sakura's Cloak 900
* White Zoot Suit Tapa 900
* Bakeneko Whiskers 900
* Bakeneko Eyebrow Whiskers 900
* Deoxygenated Apocaripped Scarf 840
* Red Tie 820
* Snowbored Gloves Blue 800
* Snowbored Gloves Red 800
* Skittles Crazy Cores Backpack Ultra 800
* Skittles Crazy Cores Backpack Ultra 800
* Skittles Crazy Cores Backpack Ultra 800
* Textbook Tower 795
* Kung Fu Panda (white belt) 700
* Santa Cow Plushie 700
* Jack's 2k7 Armor Plate 700
* Jack's 2k9 Boots 680
* Jack's 2k9 Giant Lollipop 675
* Rejected Olympic Torch 650
* Buck Teeth 650
* Buck Teeth 650
* Headband 650
* Buck Teeth 650
* Spirited 2k9 Captain's Coat 649
* S.I.N. Medallion 630
* Lightning Bolt 600
* Jumbo Hotdog 600
* Nicolae's Underwear 600
* Overseer Tarp Cape 600
* Spirited 2k6 Gift Bag 600
* Black Goth Boots - M 550
* Titan's Legacy (Seed) 550
* Rough Blue Jeans 550
* Gung Xi Pants 550
* Green Goth Boots 550
* Titan's Legacy (Seed) 550
* Titan's Legacy (Seed) 550
* Titan's Legacy (Seed) 550
* Titan's Legacy (Seed) 550
* Elf Style Pants 505
* Full Body Cast 500
* Peelunger 500
* Coraline Button Eyes 500
* Colbert 500
* Colbert 500
* The Gift 500
* Dark Elf's Light Armor 500
* Wheat Stalk 500
* Barrel Apparel 500
* Zhou Yu's Staff 500
* Shovel Blade 500
* Cig 500
* Jack Uniform Pants 499
* Prom Monarch's Collar 495
* Omnidrink Personal Improvement Spray 495
* Bloody Arm Bandage 480
* Oversized Carrot 480
* Juvie Camp Striped Hoodie 475
* Elf Style Shirt 460
* Human's Makeshift Shield 450
* Javelin Impalement 420
* Jack's 2k7 Armor Gloves 420
* Head Bandage 420
* Bloody Head Bandage 420
* Othersider Night Vision Goggles 400
* Jackster Wand 399
* Elf Hat 395
* Cowhide Santa Hat 380
* Magic Plains Orb 350
* Magic Plains Orb 350
* Harry Potter Slytherin Scarf 350
* Town Flags 345
* My Own Little Elftech 300
* Kung Fu Panda Dragon Scroll 300
* Blue Dragon Tail 300
* Eye Bandage 300
* Greco Roman Pants Olive 300
* Suede Ribbed Shirt 300
* Suede Ribbed Shirt 300
* Gaia Wing Scarf 300
* Jack's 2k9 Vest 278
* Magic Island Orb 250
* Flame Pants 250
* Leather Elf Shoes 249
* Sea Anemone Bouquet 200
* Rain Zebra Shoes 200
* Rain Zebra Shoes 200
* White Medical Gloves 200
* White Medical Gloves 200
* White Medical Gloves 200
* Rain Zebra Shoes 200
* Sunburn 199
* Leap Year Frog 195
* Lost Odyssey (Kaim's Armor) 175
* Lost Odyssey (Kaim's Armor) 175
* Black Nosey Face Tattoo 166
* Second Hand Power Drink 160
* Shocked Emote Mask 150
* Gonk Emote Mask 150
* Scream Emote Mask 150
* Pirate Emote Mask 150
* Crying Emote Mask 150
* Ninja Emote Mask 150
* Human's Makeshift Helmet 150
* Men's Wearhouse Gloves 150
* Long Black Socks 150
* Long White Socks 150
* Chicken Mask 150
* Chicken Mask 150
* Short White Socks 150
* Chicken Mask 150
* Ocean Cut Off Shorts 150
* Short Red Socks 150
* Short Black Socks 150
* Sour Patch Kids Buddy 149
* Jack's 2k9 Pants 148
* Knocked Out Teeth 146
* Blue Doggie Animal Balloon 145
* Harry Potter Quidditch Uniform 143
* Jackster Pointy Shoes 140
* Skittles Crazy Cores Cherry-Lemonade Wrist Watch 134
* Mountain of Presents 130
* Space Bubble 130
* Green Flame Shirt 125
* Blue Flame Shirt 125
* Green Flame Shirt 125
* Green Flame Shirt 125
* Cuttlefish Keytar 124
* Zombie's Gelatin Brain on a Silver Platter 120
* Kokeshi Fan 120
* Year One Armor 118
* White Paper Cat Band 110
* Ocean Summer Top 105
* Slime 100
* Henry Hatsworth's Bowler Hat 100
* Blockhead 100
* Snowman Mask 100
* Flashy Summer Top 100
* Island Girl Wig 100
* Z Blox 100
* Flashy Summer Top 100
* Mantis Mask 100
* Harry Potter's Wand 100
* Skittles Crazy Core Contacts 100
* S Blox 100
* Flashy Summer Top 100
* Island Girl Wig 100
* S Blox 100
* Heart Shaped Box of Sweets 100
* Mantis Mask 100
* Nurses Hat 100
* Inverted L Blox 100
* Left T Blox 100
* Castaway Pearl Shirt 100
* Castaway Black Shirt 100
* L Blox 100
* Ohh~Cean Red Head Wrap 100
* Ohh~Cean Red Head Wrap 100
* Ohh~Cean Black Head Wrap 100
* Sand Summer Top 99
* Spirited 2k7 Socks 95
* Fresh Grass Skirt 90
* Seeing Stone 85
* Spirited 2k8 Scarf 80
* Hockey Mask 70
* Spirited 2k8 Santa Hat 70
* Elf Science 68
* Bullseye Shirt 60
* Jackster Tunic 60
* Ruby's Bonnet 60
* Tangled Christmas Lights 55
* Planet 51 Space Suit 55
* Xmas 2k10 Event Elftech Shoes & Stockings 55
* Magic Forest Orb 50
* Armadillo Pinball 50
* Spiderwick Field Guide 50
* Tiny Terror Doll 50
* Red Silly Hat 50
* White Egg 50
* Water Puddle 50
* Water Puddle 50
* Golden Snitch 50
* Golden Snitch 50
* Water Puddle 50
* Water Puddle 50
* Michael's Memory 50
* Michael's Memory 50
* Michael's Memory 50
* Michael's Memory 50
* Michael's Memory 50
* Michael's Memory 50
* Michael's Memory 50
* Spirited 2k9 Captain's Boots 50
* Tinsel Halo 50
* Android Damage Prosthetics 45
* Skittles Crazy Cores Earrings (melon berry) 45
* Skittles Crazy Cores Earrings (melon berry) 45
* Harry Potter Student Cauldron 45
* Jackster Puffy Pants 40
* Christmas Stocking 40
* Skittles Crazy Core Glasses 40
* Skittles Crazy Core Glasses 40
* Skittles Crazy Core Glasses 40
* Flower on my Head 40
* Flower Wrist Band 38
* Jade Peasant's Pants 35
* Jade Peasant's Pants 35
* Jade Peasant Booties - M 35
* Jade Peasant's Pants 35
* Gray Peasant Booties - M 35
* Overseer Figurine 35
* Radicool Chill Trim Shorts 30
* Holly Candle 28
* Starhat 25
* Gray Peasant's Pants 25
* Tan Peasant's Shirt 25
* Gray Peasant's Pants 25
* Harry Potter Luna's Spectrespecs 25
* Skittles Crazy Cores Hair 24
* Camp Chaos Secret Stage Sash 20
* Plastic Bag 15
* Lime Ring Pop 15
* Magic Swamp Orb 10
* Skittles Crazy Core Body Tattoo 10
* Magic Swamp Orb 10
* Face Veil 8
* Cuttlefish Skull Mask 7
* Cool Starter Ninja Mask 5
* Forum Badge (ED) 5
* Warm Starter Ninja Pants 5
* Neutral Starter Ninja Pants 5
* Cool Starter Ninja Tabis 5
* Neutral Starter Ninja Tabis 5
* Neutral Starter Ninja Tunic 5
* Warm Starter Ninja Mask 5
* Cool Starter Ninja Pants 5
* Forum Badge (GCD) 5
* Dried Grass Hat 5
* Xmas 2k9 Overseer's Makeshift Red Engine Doll 5
* Langer the Dragon Plush 4
* Bouncy Antennae 4
* Langer the Dragon Plush 4
* Skittles Crazy Cores Necklace 3
* Skittles Crazy Cores Necklace 3
* Neutral Dress Starter Slacks 2
* Lawn Gnome's Beard 2
* Neutral Sporty Starter Shorts 2
* SOS Picket Sign 2
* Nautilus 2
* Neutral Starter Polo 2
* Leviathan's Grace (Chest) 1
* Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint 1
* Green Octopus (on my head) 1
* Regalia of Ancient Fire (Leggings) 1
* Green Octopus (on my head) 1
* Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint 1
* Green Octopus (on my head) 1
* Dunce Cap 1
* Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint 1
* Antique Globe 1
* Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint 1
* Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint 1
* Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint 1
* Skittles Crazy Cores Facepaint 1
* Regalia of Ancient Fire (Leggings) 1
* Overseer's Gift 0

we keep you safe!
we are youre hope!
we are in control!