
I've switched accounts!
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to my friend Veut
as a mule account.

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There once was a boy, a robotic boy,
with a crank sticking out of his brain.
He never performed with sadness or joy
he was just simply programmed to sing.
So he sang.
So he sang.
So he sang.
So he sang until the melody
With no one around this robot fell down,
and the crank it broke off of his head.
With the jar to his hard drive he felt all alive:
The old robot he used to be dead.
There was rage in his brain!
There was pain in his frame!
There was love, there was hunger and strife!
He felt lonely, rejected, at times disconnected!
No answer to the meaning of life!
So he sang.
So he sang.
So he sang.
So he sang.

Sweet dreams are made of this.
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world and the seven seas.
Everybody's looking for something.

Talyn is not fabulous.
Talyn is not punk.
Talyn is not emo.
Talyn is not goth.
Talyn is not scene.
Talyn is not hardcore.
Talyn is not badass.
Talyn is not a wimp.
Talyn is not going to be someone she's not to please you.
Don't like it?
Tough [********] toenails.
You are not special because you paid two million dollars for a haircut you kept for a week.
You are not special because you have six thousand two hundred and forty-seven friends on MySpace.
You are not special because you can afford so many clothes you could probably stock every Goodwill in the nation three times over.
You are not special because you piled bracelets on your arm.
You are not special because you wear Tripp pants.
You are special if you can wake up on a fairly regular basis and say 'Hey, I look pretty good today.' before you drown yourself in hairspray or eyeliner.
You are special if you're creative enough to make your own clothes.
You are special if you can dye your own hair and make it turn out how you want.
You are special if you can draw, paint, write, sing, dance, act, juggle, ride a unicycle backwards up a pyramid or whatever your talent is and you don't exaggerate, hoping it'll make people like you more, because it will backfire eventually.
You are special if you can love unconditionally over someone's faults.
You are special if you can be happy both with someone and while you're single.
You are special if you don't fit into a size 0 and you're okay with that.
You are special because you are the only you that there is.
Appreciate it.
Embrace it.
Don't give into the world's misconceptions of beauty.
Society is a disease.
******** anyone who tells you that you can't because you're not

enough for them.
They don't deserve you anyway.




Paint My Nails With Tar, It's The Best Black Around

...Whatever I feel like putting here.



Viewing 2 of 2 comments.


Report | 01/20/2008 2:41 am


Thanks for the purchase
pavor nocturnis XIV

Report | 01/19/2008 9:52 pm

pavor nocturnis XIV





[center:29b1eb53f4][b:29b1eb53f4]swear on your life
that no one will cry
at my funeral.[/b:29b1eb53f4][/size:29b1eb53f4][/center:29b1eb53f4]