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Cooley Fair

Cooley Fair's avatar

Last Login: 11/22/2011 4:06 am

Registered: 06/16/2006

Gender: Female


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I'm 18, and am only a couple of months away from 19. D8 WTF happened. I've been on Gaia for... 5 years, now? Dang.

I'm big on writing and drawing, and it is impossible for me to survive without music. And coffee. biggrin

I live in Alaska, which I HATE. Whenever someone says "when hell freezes over", I respond with "it does that for at least six months out of the year." Because, really? This place is hell, but only in winter.

I live with my wonderful Mama and Grandma. They're the best people in the world, really. ^.^ And, we have two cats living with us- Ash and Nellie. biggrin

As for Dad; he's in Washington, and remarried.

I am an only child, and the closest people to siblings I've ever had, after going to Florida for about 4 or 5 months, have come home and are now living with their Dad, back in the ice-box where they belong, dammit!

Anyhow... That's about it, I guess. If you're interested in my writing, go look up "AuthorDemon" on If interested in seeing art, look up "CooleyFair" on DeviantArt. The last bit is "AuthorDemon" on Youtube. Yup. That's about it.

Now, excuse me while I guzzle my coffee. biggrin

heart foREVer heart


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They Call Me Hell

Beware: I tend to write depressing entries, but I'm trying not to! Promise. :) I've been here since June of '06, and I'm not leaving any time soon.


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OTAKU121 Report | 10/14/2012 6:11 pm
Hey! Long time no talk. Remember me? 4laugh
Shadow4168 Report | 10/29/2011 8:09 pm
Happy Birthday Cooley Fair!!!
LithiumRush Report | 07/18/2011 1:05 am
Are you still on these days?
Nyotaro Report | 04/16/2011 3:21 am
wats up~~~~!!!!
Nyotaro Report | 02/26/2011 5:32 pm
Hows it going cooley?
Mad_about_black Report | 09/09/2010 11:50 pm
so how was school? (I'm not trying to sound mean, btw)
Mad_about_black Report | 09/09/2010 11:33 pm
Mad_about_black Report | 07/15/2010 11:00 am
Yep, just let me know when would be a good time
Mad_about_black Report | 07/14/2010 12:50 am
That's cool. You know I'd like to come over to your house (get away from my family) to see you, and maybe meet your cat.
Mad_about_black Report | 07/13/2010 10:57 pm
Hey love. How are you? I heard you got a cat. Cool. So what's he look like.



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