Attaia of the Gerudo

Attaia of the Gerudo's avatar

Last Login: 05/02/2012 1:10 pm

Registered: 03/21/2004

Gender: Female

Location: las vegas

Personal Website


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XxRomeoKidXx77 Report | 04/29/2012 12:55 pm
hi i Like your avi i was wondering if u would like to be friends
Enishi-san Report | 12/01/2011 9:57 am
I miss the old days. sad
teberry Report | 09/12/2011 4:18 pm
I like your avatar c:
The SkuII Kid Report | 09/20/2010 6:31 pm


Bombchu Bowling Report | 06/06/2010 1:19 pm
Hey, isn't hating all Hylians being prejudice? You can't be prejudice against people that you're calling prejudice!
Enishi-san Report | 09/09/2009 7:12 pm
i understand that.
Enishi-san Report | 08/03/2009 7:03 pm
-kicks- Where you been?
Enishi-san Report | 07/13/2009 1:25 pm

Come back to Gaia!!!
Agent Guillotine Report | 05/03/2009 10:12 pm
Hey, its Grem, PM me when you get a chance
Raven Vandamere Report | 03/25/2009 10:37 pm tends to get a hold of all of us...I should be doing my essay but it is way boring, so I am BSing on these sites XD

Music of my home

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.


Name: Attaia Garmia Hoswalla Niranjana

History: Originally from the land of Hyrule, she grew up in the Western part of the land known as the Gerudo Valley. There she was raised along with a few other children the art of being a thief. Her kind had no other means of income, and most were either too dangerous or lacked moral. Her mother, Nabooru, left when she was very young during the time of the rise and fall of the King of Thieves. However after the mess cleared up, her mother had not returned, only to leave the Gerudos in peril. After the Gannon scare, Hyrules king decreed that the Gerudo be cut off from Hyrule completely to avoid the mistake from ever happening again. Trapped within their own fortress Attaia went to find help from other kingdoms, and neighboring towns. When she returned, however, her clan was gone.

Since then she walked about her world, searching for any sign of her people. But, one night when the moon was almost as bright as the sun, a letter floated down from the heavens bidding her to come live in a far away land. Desperate for help, she agreed. When R.S. saw her troubled heart she gave Attaia the job of passing out letters to people from other worlds in hopes one day she would find her clan again.

"I hate Hylins or anyone who looks like those prejudice, high and mighty, jerks. Especially that stupid princess and her hateful father."

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