
I am Mexican American, I am 5'6, I'm 17 years old NOW!!!, My Bday is May 23(remember it), I have brown eyes, have black hair, and have a sense of humor biggrin . I try hard in school and try my best to keep my grades up and when it comes to projects or anything I do whatever it takes to complete it. I'm not really involved in sports but I can play some and won't back down from playing a sport with a friend. I go to the gym every other day or sometimes everyday.(Gotta look good ( wink , I use the internet kinda frequently, I play video games online a lot sometimes, Own a Xbox 360( Gamertag= subzero650), I work out, I play a trumpet, I barely watch tv, I hang out a lot on weekends with friends. I text message on phone and online, I chat a lot, and I dunno what else, but I just like to meet new people. I have an Aim so if you wanna have a conversation
xD...Here ya go "latingamer650"

Things I like-

>Video Games
>hang out with friends
>Text ppl
>Chat online
>Watch movies
>listen to music
>meet new ppl

Things I hate-

>Annoying noobs
>Stupid television shows
>Anime haters(in general)
>Racist people
>Trash talkers(start crap)

My Favorite and talkative Friends
* = KickA$$ friends biggrin

- Rayone: She has been my friend on Gaia for a long time, and has been a very interesting person to me. She doesn't go on much here anymore since she's a busy person, but she is a great person to talk and has great personality smile .

*--Weird Wacky Watermelon-: She is a Great person, I enjoy chatting with her a lot, she has a great sense of humor and is a talkative person. She is a really fun person to talk to and is shy at times but I think she makes a great friend biggrin . Be a pal and talk to her or greet her, she likes random comments and enjoys chattering a lot, so drop by her profile and leave a comment, and she'll appreciate it. One things for sure is that she is sure a great artist, and I think she can get things done well, when it some to making avi's or if you give her something to do. She kicks a**, and she's awesome that way.

* - helenn O 3 o- A very great person to know, and is one of my favorite people to talk most of the time, with text or on Gaia(but mostly text). Helen has a great personality and I think she draws well. I think Helen makes a great friend and a awesome person to talk to wink . So if you see her account, leave her a comment i'm sure she'll appreciate it. Helen, is another kickass person and she's an amazing drawer and can do it a reasonable price but she can seriously draw 0.0.

- The Malevolent Cupcake- Before I met a lot of great people "The Malevolent Cupcake" was my talkative friend before because there wasn't anybody to talk and I was always alone and left, but she would always be there when I was quiet and had no one to talk to. She Is a amazing person, not to mention she likes to play Runescape but she has an amazing stories that she always tell me, but I think she makes a Great, and cool person to hang out with. Say Hi to her if you see her account.

- DarkShinobiz: She is a cool person to know, one she likes random friend requests, two she loves random comments as well, and loves chattering and has kept me company with messages for a long time now, maybe the person with the longest messaging. Make a comment on her account, make friends with her. She has a nice sense of humor and is an awesome person to talk to.

My Music
Now I like a lot of music, I like so many kinds of them that it's too much to say but the only ones i'll type are the ones I don't like, like Rap, American Country, and Foreign. I like almost all the others except those. It's hard to pick my favorite artist since I like so many but i'll put the ones I like: Linkin Park, Saliva, S.O.A.D(System Of A Down), Three Days Grace, Muse, Los Angeles De Charly(Mexican Band, Don't hate), and Los Mismos, or Los Bukis(Another Mexican Band, and they have 2 names.). I listen to them like all the time non-stop, they are just so awesome at making music especially the Mexican ones they are my personal favorite. A lot of the artists are great singers, and I know these are rock and some metal, but I like others as well, just because I listen to these guys doesn't mean I don't know other artists as well. But tell me a song and i'll go check it out, because i wanna know more about other artists and see if I can get to like there music and like there genre better.


Viewing 12 of 36 friends


Freeze Control's Journal



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Abby The Odd

Report | 07/12/2012 4:08 pm

Abby The Odd

RRrraaawwwrrr :3
Abby The Odd

Report | 06/23/2010 11:40 am

Abby The Odd

-Weird Wacky Watermelon-

Report | 01/06/2010 10:15 pm

-Weird Wacky Watermelon-

Aww!! Where've you been??!
Glad you're back!!

Report | 12/01/2009 6:10 pm


copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g it works im rich!!
Abby The Odd

Report | 10/25/2009 11:56 am

Abby The Odd

*hugs* smile
Abby The Odd

Report | 10/04/2009 9:39 am

Abby The Odd

heh, me either. I'll be on more, now, though.
Abby The Odd

Report | 09/06/2009 6:24 pm

Abby The Odd

ROFL, How's life? biggrin
Abby The Odd

Report | 09/01/2009 6:01 pm

Abby The Odd

I'm sorry, remind me what we were talking about again...
Abby The Odd

Report | 08/20/2009 6:51 pm

Abby The Odd

LOVE EM!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin

Report | 08/11/2009 11:50 am


Yeahh, sorry about that.
I was a at a church retreat.. ^^;;


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