Viewing Nolongercheese's profile | Profiles v2 | Gaia Online


Nolongercheese's avatar

Registered: 07/05/2006

Gender: Animal

I'm not Nekkid


Get to know me

Ratatosk-Angel-133/Luckycricket33 is my Fangirl. Mine. >:3

::Username: Call me Cheese.
::Name: Jane
::Age: 13>17
::Birthday: 2/25
::Gender: Female.
::Nationality: Chinese (born in USA)
::Location: At your window, watching you w/ my binoculaaarrrrs. C:<
::Likes: Rainbows. Fuzzy stuff. Friends. Anime/Manga. Drawing. Video Games. And a whole lot of other things you'll just have to find out.
::Hates: School. Mean People. My Alarm Clock. Being bored. Basketball. Kickball. Baseball. Sports in general...
: razz ets: Two Parakeets. My fish died. D;

.::Random Facts About Me::.
:.If you took out my left eye, I would start crashing into walls and poles and whatnot.::.My Dad stopped me from throwing out my Barbies. Yes, I still have them.::.I was playing tag on a trampoline when I ran off the edge and fell.::.I have Braces.::.I was a rabbit for Halloween 2008.::.I have a scar from stitches on my head.::.I got the stitches from a coffee table corner, while spinning around in circles-on the floor::.I tried to save a baby bird that was infected with flies. It died.::.I found a toad in my backyard ,and I watered it.::. I once was eating noodles, when one went up my nose...through the mouth.::.Same happened with a mushroom.::.I want a Giant Banana.::.Sometimes, I feel like a clumsy old fart.::.Other times, I feel wonderful.::.I tend to break things when I touch them.::.My Chinese school friend thinks I'm Emo, I am not.::.I <3 Super Smash games, all of 'em.::.My cousin bought me my Wii <333.::.I want a German Shepherd dog.::.My dad said he'd get me a cat...half a year ago (still no cat).::.

Thanks For Reading. (or at least skimming?)

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I'm questing commons. Starting with tops. List is in my journal


User Image
From CookieLuv. <3

Luna MirazaJadore Jenny

Jill/Kiwi's Art. She gets her own special section. :B

Kiwi ChannelKiwi channelKiwi ChannelKiwi ChannelKiwiChannel


Alipet.Cowenx.Luna Miraza.Jadore Jenny.Kairi Mi.Satans Kitten.Kachania.La Cierva.tigrisqueen.Belinda2000.Kiwi-chan.bellaxanna.Giveaways/Random gifting threads and Contests.Queen_Awesome_Penguin.Sorowinn.Anjito Hero.xXiceprincess24Xx.I Eat Mousetraps.Raven Effect DDT.Ratatosk-Angel-133.

Love them. D<

Profile made by Kiwi Channel <3

What's Up?

12.11.10: Moved to a new account (Capt-mBear)
1.26.10 : Still working on getting that Jenny Doll.
10.16.09: I have my Halloween avatar ready.
10.06.09: Bought my makintosh scottie. <3

L!sten Well

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Magdeliene Report | 06/22/2013 7:09 am
Wow !! I heart YOUR PROFILE LAYOUT HOW DID YOU DO????SHOW ME!!!1 eek eek eek eek
La Mignonne Report | 10/31/2010 9:02 am
Kiwi threw a Master Ball at the wild Cheese!
. . .
. . .
. . .
The wild Cheese was caught!

Yay, I'll add it now ; w ;
La Mignonne Report | 09/05/2010 6:14 pm
Girrrrrlllll, you need to get back hur.
LuckyCricket33 Report | 06/17/2010 3:17 pm
LuckyCricket33 Report | 03/31/2010 5:03 pm
heeey janemyidol
i'm earning money : D
so um
bye. <3
La Mignonne Report | 03/27/2010 5:45 am
You likeeeee?
User Image
La Mignonne Report | 02/24/2010 3:31 pm
Naw, I haven't even gotten there yet -________________- ;;
I mean even the curls on the sides near the jawline.
La Mignonne Report | 02/24/2010 3:25 pm
It's turning out really well do far.
But I'm having trouble drawing the curls.
La Mignonne Report | 02/24/2010 3:18 pm
Oh D:
That sucks.

I'm drawing myself arttttttt.
La Mignonne Report | 02/24/2010 3:11 pm
You guys don't have indoor laser tag?