
Building new Profile, need text to test the About section...mmm...at
a loss of what to say, well, don't judge anything yet, it's just being built, I've not even finished the bg image yet, but I really felt like starting with the positioning of the sections so that the bg and the positioning are ready simultaneously...well, nothing much else, but you can leave a comment if you like the Profile, I don't mind, just nothing inappropriate please.

Got exams right now, so can't really say when this one will be finished, but I hope to get it done pretty quickly, next week at the most. Depends on how much I'll have to study really...

Gota fill this in to test... >.<

Hi, welcome to my cosy Profile ^-^
Please wait for the images to load,although I've done my best to reduce their size they're still big >.< icon_sweatdrop.gif
The Profile's best viewed in Firefox, it seems I can't get over the .PNG hobby icon_wink.gif
Tested it on 1024/768 screen, Mozilla Firefox and IE, and it looks just fine <3 But anyway, if you notice any glitches, please tell me =]

Anyway, if you haven't already guessed, I like creating layouts,
and I generally like design, and when it asks for coding,
I don't back off ^_^
Well, this is my first Layout in a while
(lack of time mostly) so tell me what you think,
I love comments =D

Haha, Plushie me, by maxine_888 :

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Etiam scelerisque diam nec erat. Aliquam nec ante ac elit vehicula pulvinar. Fusce dolor dui, consequat vel, eleifend nec, placerat sit amet, felis. Aenean quis ante. Cras vestibulum interdum nibh. Sed pharetra, risus euismod aliquet sagittis, mi metus ornare purus, ac elementum est metus eu risus. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus purus. Sed consequat placerat turpis. Nulla imperdiet. Nam adipiscing dui at arcu. Duis consequat scelerisque est. Donec enim. Praesent enim ante, hendrerit sed, faucibus eu, fringilla at, elit. Nulla mauris.
    Etiam mollis dui aliquet augue. Vivamus dui magna, cursus eu, tincidunt in, tempus id, felis. Curabitur lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam non justo et sapien accumsan lacinia. Fusce sit amet metus. Integer fermentum, tortor eu egestas scelerisque, mauris turpis gravida velit, et sagittis massa augue in erat. Pellentesque posuere tortor at tellus. Suspendisse magna est, varius nec, tincidunt sit amet, ultricies ac, sem. Nam venenatis. Vivamus vitae nisi. Etiam tincidunt mattis magna. Pellentesque dolor. Nulla pulvinar, massa vitae dignissim faucibus, urna eros aliquam odio, molestie fermentum leo nisl vitae dolor. Sed eget orci eget orci aliquam congue. Nulla blandit lacus eu magna.