
neckroz209's avatar

Last Login: 11/13/2008 11:20 pm

Registered: 07/31/2006

Gender: Male

Location: Brisbane

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Hi, i'm neckroz209
fav shows are Inuyasha, gundam seed and many others
i like to make new friends andi hope i can get along with everyone here
A girl and guy were speeding, on a motorcycle, over 90 mph on the road...
Girl: Slow down. I?m scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
Girl: No, it?s not. Please, it?s too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: Fine, I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
*Girl hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself? It?s bugging me.
(In the paper the next day)
A motorcycle crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two people were on it, but only one survived.
The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn?t want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him & felt her hug one last time, then had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die.
..*..If you love someone this much put this on your site
Girls Cry Because.....

They fell in love with the wrong person

They're Mad

They're Sad

They're Scared

They're Nervous

They're Frustrated

They're Missing someone

They're Alone

They're PMSing

They're Pregnant

They're tired of abusive relationships

Their Heart Is broken

They're in love

Their souls have been torn

They met someone they cant have

They feel cheated

They hurt so bad inside

They feel unloved

BOYS!!!: If any girl you know is crying, and you see them, don't just stand there like an a** and say you're sorry, hold them, kiss them, and tell them everything will be ok, even if you have no idea what is wrong with them. Girls go through more drama than you can imagine! Girls just want to be held and know that someone cares about them.

Girls: Repost this if you're tired of dealing with the drama, and you're sick of putting up with the bullshit!

Boys: Repost if you're a loving, caring, sensitive guy, who hates to see a girl hurt like this and you hate to see a girl cry!


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new family member

yay...another family member!!!


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Tabitha_Yang Report | 07/07/2010 3:28 am
i'll miss you puppy. *holds you close forever in my heart*
Magnanimity Profusion Report | 09/10/2008 3:26 pm
poping in to to say hi to all the ppl on my friends list, how u been going?
pennasioux Report | 12/20/2007 1:33 am
im sorry i havent beein rping in a while been going through a alot. and those new ones are kinda messing it up dont you think? well i posted a new one if you still wann rp with me.
minder5 Report | 07/13/2007 9:38 am
ooooo... nice profile!!
sugarma Report | 04/20/2007 7:36 pm
pennasioux Report | 04/09/2007 8:38 pm
hey peter!!!!justthought id say hi. ill be at our rp in a minute.
Oukoku-Blade Report | 04/09/2007 8:14 am
It was funny, because he wrote it inside a cup, I think. Hahaha.
Oukoku-Blade Report | 04/08/2007 12:42 pm
I like your signature. Some kid in my class wrote that one a peice of pottery that he did in the elective hour. heehee!
xX Crimson Flare Xx Report | 04/07/2007 11:56 pm
nice signature Do Not Meddle in the Affair of Dragons, For you are Crunchy, And taste Good with Ketchup. xd
Kiara567 Report | 04/07/2007 6:17 am
u like evanescence to sweet!!


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Evil Jedi

i took this pic wile fishing

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