i'm Geesica, a 20 year old female, with short dirty blond hair, hazel eyes, and who cant spell to save her life.
heart : Earth, Doctor Who, Raider and Shirley (my pet rats), chocolate milk, singing, laughing, music, spots,
brown, animals, Kingdom Hearts, reading, helping people, making people happy, emotes
biggrin , listening to stories, and horseback riding!
talk2hand : sand, scary movies, litter bugs, mud, pig, squash, lies, fakers, stupid people, stealers, complete darkness, scammers, hackers, blood, spammers, smokers, drinkers, pink, killer animals, creepy bumps at night, snakes, bugs, roller coasters, dirty dishes, untidy-ness, loud noises, rap, and ppl who talk l!ke dis.
stare but the best thing to know about me is that i'm ALWAYS up to new things. gotta stay open minded!
Elemental Wings 10k/111k
Head of Night 0/67k
[u:6d6572dabf]Next Up:[/u:6d6572dabf]
Dreamer's Mind 30k
À la Fondue 167k
[b:6d6572dabf]Always Accept:[/b:6d6572dabf][/color:6d6572dabf]
Tin Cans 1942/5k & Tickets 7138/200k
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