I'm educated as a Social and Healthy helper and been working at the old-home 'Slottet' with people with Demensia and other mental illnesses for more than seven years now. My dream and goal are different from what I'm working with though, as I aim to become one of the greatest Authors in the world
blaugh . I love writing, drawing, and writing One Piece Fanfictions, mostly ZoroxSanji-stories.
If you're interrested you are most welcome to visit my page at http://www.fanfiction.net/~crystalbluefox
heart In the moment I'm working at to get my own story HERO published, and when that become true, I'll then be heading for my second goal; to find the man from my dreams and create a wonderful happy family ^c^ And what's to happen after that? Well, head off for the next dream to become true, right? XD
As long as yuo live, you can dream, and head out to fight for your dreams to become true!
heart heart Now YOU'RE next!
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