» Heyy Tharr.
Basic Stuff about me:
. The name's Allison. Just so ya know. [[ The last names a secret. I don't need a creeper on my case Thank you very much. ]]Although you may call me washed, or Nizzie whatever, I really don't care..
. I'm 18
. I do obtain a basic understanding of literacy. Although when fooling around talking to people I know, sometimes my laziness gets the better of me. If you do not obtain this basic understanding, don't bother getting to know me. You will get on my nerves. Sorry to say, but it's true.
. I am single and proud. Internet relationships are pointless in my opinion.
. I love:
- Gaia
- Anime/ manga [[ What I'm watching reading today: [None]- manga (Just waiting for new chapters. And oh what a loong wait I have yet to endure). Anime - (rewatching) Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni ((Yay! Lets watch cute little kiddlets kill each other off. Several times! Perfect for Halloween don't you think?)) ]]
- Music - As any other teenager my age, I would like to think of myself, as hopelessly obsessed. [[ Today : Little Maggots - (Hint signature) ]]
- Rainbows [[ I don't care if you think I gay because of it, I love the refraction of light. : D ]]
- The Rain [[ "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It is about learning to dance in the rain.." ]]
- Glowsticks - They're so distracting, and possitively gorgeous.
- My friends
- Donators, random comments and pms. So hit me up.
Some smexilicous shizzz.
.Don't be jealous.
Tekteks, melodies, and melting horses.
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