Hi my name is Sarah. Im a chill person with a friek the world attitude and i do what i want. Im basically a good person. Your average good person. I've had my go in bad situations but i always look for a better path. I'm a loyal friend. I always try to have a smile in place on my face. I love all types of music and as soon as i figure out how to add a playlist i will show you what types of music i like ^-^'' Sometimes it varies on what mood im in. (music i mean) From rock to country to techno i listen to most everything. Currently I'm seventeen years old. I have a weird addiction to sexy cars...*drool*....!snap! oh uh yes yes back to the present. Like i said i like sexy cars. I want my first car to be a mustang GT white with red stripes. And my dream car is the 360 Spider in purple. Although it is so much speed i might just settle for a corvette or cobalt. ALthough i like trucks.....O.O anyways sorry i went off ona rant there. As for friend requests I have a few favors about them. Don't add me unless we have had a real conversation or I know you in person. Sorry but i just like to know if i have anything in common with you. Basically thats it so... later!
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La Di Da
well basically sme things i do everyday an what i feel like doing
92% of teenagers have moved on to rap. If you are one of the 8% that rock out everyday, put this in your sig. ^_^
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