

The Jenova Project.




Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 09/12/2011 4:32 am


They're the kind of stories I cant leave as comments cool

Report | 06/14/2011 10:00 pm


Hey stranger,
How are things in your new world? Send me a pm sometime, I have more than a couple new stories.

Report | 08/17/2010 9:02 am


Hello friend. How's it going?
Eidolon Nox

Report | 06/14/2010 8:19 am

Eidolon Nox

My comment will not be so long as yours was.
I am glad to see things are going so well on your end. Up here on mine things are good but at the same time, chaotic. I never get on here very much, I've done the growing up thing as well and gaia just is not in it.
I got a new job. It is not my dream but it pays better then the last and supports my new family. I say new family because Saya moved in with me over a year ago. I went the distance so I could have her by my side and I do NOT regret it. We now have a baby boy who is very sweet. Cute as well. He makes life a little harder but also a joy.
Eidolon Nox

Report | 05/26/2010 5:03 pm

Eidolon Nox

Hey, you. Did you hear the news?

Report | 01/24/2010 4:56 am



How are you? Sorry I've been so far gone lately, life's been literally crazy. Anyway give me a scream ;D
Eidolon Nox

Report | 11/11/2009 4:36 am

Eidolon Nox

My God, you make it sound like a defilement of existence in it's own right. How tragic, but I'm glad you know enough about the actual show that you can hold such a firm opinion on it. I mean, think about it, there were probably LOADS of retards who were uninterested in the anime due to the fact that they were preppy or elsewise uninclined, but they probabl loved the live-action because, well, let's face it... you don't have to be intelligent or knowledgable to enjoy an odd movie with attractive characters. Hell, even from what you said it sounds like there may have been a bit of drooling involed. wink lol Anyways, thank you much for the heads-up, I'll be damned sure to steer clear of that one. Though, since we're on the subject of movies, I was wondering... have you had the chance to see Zombieland yet? I find it terribly amusing and went with several friends as well as my younger brother... hilarious in my opinion... my only regret is that there are very few to know memorable lines that you can actually use in day-to-day society. The exception to this was 'Nut up or shut up' shich, in my opinion, is very useful, but I like being able to quote movies at random. >< Anyways, now I believe MY message is getting a tad long, so I shall end it at that. Hope to catch ya around sometime. ^^
Starlight Zero

Report | 10/25/2009 10:18 pm

Starlight Zero

Happy Birthday!
Eidolon Nox

Report | 10/05/2009 7:36 am

Eidolon Nox

My oh my... we all need to find a life sooner or later, just be careful with all that swooning. lol I hadn't heard of the Tekken movie, just DBZ and Cowboy Bebop. Still haven't heard much on the latter though, which is kinda gay. Apparently Keanu Reeves (sp?) is going to be Spike, which, in all honesty, sounds kinda lame, but whatever. In any case, hopefully it'll be worth watching. No word on the rest of the main cast or even the plot, so it's 150% up in the air.
Awesome Pixels

Report | 08/28/2009 2:53 pm

Awesome Pixels

oh my jeesus... the beuty e.e

@ . @


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