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Hi! Nice to meet you. I'm a pretty chill person and I have a really strange sense of humor. I can be really snarky and you'll probably think I'm a total b***h. I don't care. biggrin !
I spend too much time on the computer, and most of it is drawing and posting/reading the many online communities I'm part of.
I have 3 cats, 2 betta and an Amazon parrot.
I have absolutely zero tolerance for stupid pet owners. I am a very firm believer that if if you plan on getting an animal, ANY animal, I don't care if its a cat or a dinosuar, you should research the ******** out of care for that animal because an unhealthy companion is a bad companion. ♥
I am obsessed with a really stupid looking fashion that makes all of its wearers look like fat frilly babies. And I love every second of it!
I'm terrified of the dark, terrified of ghosts, and I am very very easy to scare. This does not stop me from watching survival horror games. Which usually are very scary. And have lots of ghosts. And I watch them in the dark. Before you ask, yes, I am too chicken s**t to play myself... So I watch.
Even with that, I love horror movies. I like the kind with ghosts. Surprisingly these don't scare me like the games do... instead, they just make me really ******** paranoid at night. (Which I guess means I'm scared, but at least I don't get nightmares? ♥ )
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i need your number
and im back in ohio