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Never Ask Dante

Report | 04/02/2010 6:32 am

Never Ask Dante

Never Ask Dante

Report | 10/30/2009 7:10 am

Never Ask Dante

-blows a kiss-

Report | 07/29/2008 10:43 am


give me a make over!

"im a pretty girl!!!"
Never Ask Dante

Report | 03/17/2008 4:17 pm

Never Ask Dante

-humps your armpit-

its like it always was.

but now i have a child

lol im kidding

Report | 10/14/2007 5:25 pm


wow..i was real stupid.

Report | 06/04/2007 2:55 pm


>.>' tis is bunny....heh heh
Never Ask Dante

Report | 06/01/2007 7:55 am

Never Ask Dante

i wonder what the world looks like through your eyes.

what do you think when you do things?
guilty isn't right, but maybe sometimes the pain is a lession.
regrett is bullshit, because if you did it, you should know that you will regrett something.
so get over it and remeber next time, there's always something to feel bad about in the end.
and love?..pah...love.
love is something everyone feels. but rare so rare is true love.
no one has felt it yet. not you or britt..or david or anyone we know.
you( as in people ) think it was true love, just because he/she was the one who hurt the most when they were gone.
no..no it's not true love.
true love is something new, deffrent. it's a whole new taste. nothing is the expected, but it is because you know.
keep waiting, and searching. but don't stop and wait in place because then they might pass you by.
find them. keep them.

and stop regretting things that are gone.
but don't foget them eather.

Report | 05/21/2007 6:37 pm


******** You, don't talk to me about our memories, cuz they mean nothing now. because your stupid, and im even stupider to have wasted my life, to build up something that just ended up forgotten. by you.
your still a big part of me.
you still control me.
I still love you.
I still cry, but about somthing else now, YOU. Everytime, It guts me. Im ignoring the pain with the joy of life that I have now. somtimes it works. but ignoring never Really works.

Report | 05/21/2007 6:20 pm


I'm finally in the place inside myself Ive wanted to be for so long, and It makes me so sad that your not here to share it with me. You never really tried to understand sam. So why did you even try our relationship? It's your fault. And its a shame. I needed you there, to help me. Why. Why. Why.
You dont like me anymore, after what I did, but im the happiest person Ive ever been now, outside of loving you. I needed more from myself than just loving you. I grew. And now you hate me for it. no? then ******** talk to me, like i mean somthing, as you do to me. Try to understand me. you cant right? abra cadabra. I dissapear.

Report | 05/21/2007 5:59 pm


I wish you'd believe in me, or be there for me, like I am for you.
I hate how you ******** abandoned me.
All my time I just threw out the window for you it seems.
everything wasted.
i wasted it all on you
i poured myself out, and gave you all of me, and even went to get more, and I even gave you a me that I wasnt even sure to be true(it wasnt).
I come back down from insomnia, on to earth
your gone.
All I needed was for you to believe.
I broke free.
AND NOW "you dont like me" right.
I hate you for doing this, not understanding, running, if you dont like me, how come we came as far as we did? what was all that for ?
I ******** hate you!
I hate what you put me through everytime i ******** have to see you.
the ******** emotion, the ******** love.
Goddamnit. I cant stop loving you.
I cant stop crying.
In a way, im still dying.
cuz i have to see you.
Ill never forget. Youll never forget.
I NEED SOME ******** CLOSURE!!!!
why cant you give me that?
I hate that you did this to me.
you just needed to ******** help me get through it, support me, and ******** believe me. You just couldnt do that though, could you.
No one will ever love you as much as I do


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