Viewing Kiju Bleek's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


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Hello Derr,

-Call me Philip, But I go has much more names then that tho.

-Philly Dilly, Pilly willy poo or Silly philyy.

- And perhaps cud be your flavor of the day^-^

-Im 15, Turning 16 this march so I better see some presents=D
Im male and im a halfer but still full spanish! I have black hair, Brown eyes and sometimes can be really azn razz

-I like music, Partys and chill outs with the homies.

-Dayum I would put more but im lazy haha.

-Tune in next time and learn more about meh but for now
Comment and pm me to know more and want to chat
I like them random comments but not tooo random and yes I answer back, don't be a creeper^-^ Leave A comment.

-And yerr mang I got Msn, so ask if ya wanna add meh.

- C Ya Gatorss!-

~>Shoutzz Outzz;

Vdee: Your a gangster, I admit, more gangster then I ever will be
haha, since your going to do a shout for me, i may has well too=)
ahha the convos we have in the guild is odd and pretty sweet lol
how do we ever end up in those weird talks? haha
Coming to the party? hmm i will see u there, if u make it haha
lol anywayz, but we having our partys in gaia lol in the guild
with all those talks loll, haha you gangstterrr, loveee you so much!
haha good buddiiess=D

JenJen: Wow ur amazzzing, you have such kool art work and really good at it too!, you fun to talk too and i always buying art from you. you should be a well market priced shop in all of gaia!
you like the best, and your creepers out there, check out jenjens shop, its sooo pretty and awsome, and u try to mess with her, you gotta go throught me first! ya digg! haha much love to you jenjen<3
-More shouts will be added later!

Tomboy heart gave me a yeti=)

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Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/04/2008 4:44 pm


nothing much homes you

did you draw that art, or someone else

Examine Filter

Report | 11/23/2007 1:34 pm

Examine Filter

nice profile :]

Report | 10/11/2007 1:44 pm


i miss you :[
Solaris the Hedgehog

Report | 10/02/2007 11:32 am

Solaris the Hedgehog

Hi, Kiju.
Tha Chica Lana

Report | 09/25/2007 4:02 pm

Tha Chica Lana

Bzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzz, how many ppl did you sting? lol
Tha Chica Lana

Report | 09/13/2007 6:04 pm

Tha Chica Lana that eyeballs surrounding your head???

Report | 09/12/2007 11:56 am


lol much.

;((( suckies@ the time difference tho

i proberly would be a lazy git in my bed

when youcome onlinee// well apeearing offline [;[;lol
Tha Chica Lana

Report | 09/07/2007 4:35 pm

Tha Chica Lana

I dunno it just frightened me lol maybe i had a nightmare with something that reminded me of your avi

Report | 09/07/2007 8:20 am


pmsl phillip :} you avent been on msn either, lately? mind explainningg :[? lol

so whats up mann.

started school, wot a whore.

Tha Chica Lana

Report | 09/06/2007 10:46 am

Tha Chica Lana

your avi always amazes me...sometimes it frightens me like now lol


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