Ranmyaku Akumu

Ranmyaku Akumu's avatar

Last Login: 07/26/2010 11:43 pm

Registered: 11/25/2006

Gender: Male

Location: montgomery

Birthday: 12/06/1990

Occupation: Gamer =3

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-N4tUr4LlY_DiStUrBeD- Report | 10/13/2009 7:40 pm
muteo starwind Report | 06/02/2009 1:48 am
Omfgz its Dan-Skeedaddle Report | 05/26/2009 12:06 pm
hey. [:
How have you been doing? >:}
GDarklight Report | 04/25/2009 8:37 pm
And you seem..hurt? how have you been?
finger twist and splits Report | 01/26/2009 3:16 am
clestial wrap is my frst quest.
finger twist and splits Report | 01/26/2009 3:15 am
hi.need ur help.im currently at quest for celestial wrap.i alrdy hav 17k.thnks.
-N4tUr4LlY_DiStUrBeD- Report | 01/09/2009 5:08 pm
Angels Flying Free Report | 01/01/2009 8:46 am
Happy New Years!
-N4tUr4LlY_DiStUrBeD- Report | 12/21/2008 6:52 am
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(srry i wasn't able to get u a b-day present)
Notorious_Angel Report | 12/12/2008 3:47 am
Oh dear, that's never good! Why are you like this? If you tell me, I might be able to help you, but if you don't I can't help you at all!

Cowboy Bebop: Yoko Kanno 's "cover "of Ave Maria by Franz Schubert


Hey, kid, whatcha doin' here, eh? Ah, what the 'ell, sit down and enjoy the music. Not sure why yer readin' this, as not very many people are interested in knowing about such an oddity as I, they normally go, "haha fat emozzz", and then change the window to fap to recent pictures of Brittany spears. Anyways, i'm quite the interesting person, once you get to know me, i've even befriended a troll, he was in my class last year, pretty awesome, opened my eyes to a lot better "Animu" than DeathNote or Nayrudo (i know it's actually Naruto, but ilike to make fun of it in that way.) combined, course, i had already seen FLCL, Outlaw Star, Cowboy Bebop and Trigun...

But whatevah. lol. The point is never judge before you get to know the person, behind the Intarweb veil. But Hate is a necessity, without Hate, we'd all be bored as hell. You know it's true. Just like how good and evil need each other.

I am straight, male, 17,single, and somewhat looking, altough my faith in finding such a significant other are fading, mainly because i'm not that attractive, i'm poor, and can be somewhat hard-headed, still, people tell me i will find someone, but i'm not sure it's truly who i'd want.

Also DO NOT talk to me about your little Nayrudo, I despise it. Like when you're wearing your last pair of clean socks, you're going to get your shoes when you step in a puddle of water. Yeah, that kinda hate. Thank you, jacob, for showing me the true, horrific, and grotesque form of Nayrudo.

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The Necronomicon

Before Reading this Journal, recite the words "Klaatu verata nikto" precisely, for your sake of course, i'm perfectly fine with slaughtering the undead...

muteo starwind
Omfgz its Dan-Skeedaddle

I fixed your broken headball...

It's Walrus Time...

Ha-ha you dork...

Y helo thar...