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Exzenmaru's avatar

Registered: 12/06/2006

Gender: Male

Birthday: 07/07/1989

Occupation: School right now

Personal Website

Crush 40 - I Am... All Of Me (Final Fatasy VII: AC)

The Flames of my Soul

#5 backdrifts
Trust & Faith & Loyalty & Respect & Support Keys= 14 & 17 & 15 & 21 & 15
Comms= Sweet
Heart & Soul & Core Keys= 11 & 4 plus 10 & 10
heart x11 {I thank Makki for really having me meet her. she’s an amazing person & also loves to use emotes too so you see that you know she happened to it lol. very understanding & very kind person. Really is a I don’t give a rats a** person but when you really get to know her (which I’m still in the process of doing) you can see the sweet compassionate side of her. She’s someone that I’ll never want to give up no matter what. & I’ll always enjoy talking to her no matter how long we talk. ~hugs~ thanks again. I really appreciate it & if anything happens, I’m here for you too‼ (Missing point: “Key” #7)}

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Evanescence - Everyone's Fool

This ... Is ... SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Claymore - Savior

My Divine Wish Come True

#1 princess_yairi
Trust & Faith & Loyalty & Respect & Support Keys= 26 & Max & Max & Max & Max
Comms & Rank & Love= Max & Core Friend & Crystal Treasure {Maxed out}
Heart Keys Soul & Core Keys= Max plus 3 & 19 plus 10 & 21
heart Max plus Bonus heart x3 {So Help Me God if something happens to our friendship. This is one that I’ll treasure for the rest of my life. She’s the highest in the Forbidden Ranks, the 1st to reach the Crystal Core & also to reach over 15 Keys in Souls, & the 1st to get inside the Core 1st (not even the one who only toped her for a brief period got this far). Uber understanding person, ultra random (but I like anyway :Heart: ) very evil when she wants to be (just like me but I tend to not show it @ times). Uber attractive, helluva loving, uber caring, very protective of me ( :Heart: ) always there when I need someone to talk to especially when I don’t know where to go or what to do in a few situations that she knows how to give advice on the best, extremely funny though also I can admit that she can cross the line of grossness (which nowadays I’m pretty much used to it) mind blowing convo’s which I love to no end, always enjoy talking to her, never will tire talking to her (though I wish she lived in my state.........). She has the highest respects in this group & also the highest love female wise. ~hugs her lightly & kisses her with a touch of passion~ as long as we are friends... I wouldn’t ever know full loneliness & depression. She really is the light of my days while I’m feeling down or feeling a bit out of it. She’s the one I trust the most with anything & is mainly the only person I am really myself with as close as the fullest as I can allow. I’ll never know how it is to be betrayed as long as she’s in my life & I’ll never give her up for no one or anything. The one person that for sure is one reason if anything happens to her I’ll cry for just like a few others on this list. I love her dearly & forever will. I would always be by her side no matter what & if life gave me a shot to be with her I so would too (not dating wise. Just to spend time with her is what I mean) I forever love you Yairi. (Missing point: “Key” #1)}

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His World / Final Destination Remix {AWESOMENESS!!!!!!}

Bullet For My Valentine {FF AV Movie Mix} "Just Another Star"

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My Cancerain Star

#4 Shashema_13
Trust & Faith & Loyalty & Respect & Support Keys= 18 & 17 & 19 & 26 & 20
Comms & Love= Excellent & Mirror Treasure
Heart & Soul & Core Keys= 16 & 6 plus 10 & 15
heart x16 {Damn where the hell can I start when it comes to her... @ 1st she’s a person who is the only one on this list that is a Mirror to me. We are both Cancers & we have pretty much everything in common with each other. Like no matter what we do or say, it sounds so much like the other. She’s supportive, trusting, loyal, caring, loveable, creative, nurturing, protective, evil (mirrors me heart ) understanding (for her young age, it’s really crazy but I love that trait about her) cunning, playful, beautiful, psychotic, unique, & many others even I can’t even find words for. She’s the one person over many others on this list that knows a lot about me also. We’ve been severed once before & I regret it so much but I’ll never lose track of her again that’s for sure. We’ve known each other for a pretty good time now but we both like feel like we’ve known each other for like maybe 5 years or over (1 year off the length of me & Metals friendship) & the last thing I ever want to happen to us is that we get severed again. But the surprising thing is that we are so alike & it’s scary also but it’s so thrilling all the same, I like the feeling to be honest. Thing is that we DON’T fight @ all. Normally 2 people that are alike to the point of personality even fight all the time but we never did (& I am happy & I’ll try to keep that going). We are like 2 parallel lines never going to cross (if you get what I mean that is....). Amazing huh? ~hugs & kisses lightly on her nose~ I’ll do my best to always put a smile on her face like I’ve been doing before. I Love you Miranda so much & I’ll always be here for you no matter what happens in our friendship. (Missing point: “Key” #5)}

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The Gorgeous Devil Female Cancerain Me.

The Last Notation

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Bentley Jones & Crush 40 - Open Your Heart Remix


View All Comments

cuteshawtyO Report | 07/03/2009 3:23 pm
Gussie_chan Report | 06/28/2009 6:02 am
*falls over snores*
Princesssmj Report | 06/15/2009 7:15 pm
YunaKasha Report | 06/14/2009 12:27 pm
*pokes back* 3nodding
YunaKasha Report | 06/14/2009 12:26 pm
TIDUS!!!! OMG IM SSSSOOOO HAPPY!!!! Im finally back home and i can log on anytime!!!! xd I missed you!!!!

~*Oh yea... Im finally 18!!!*~ heart
Birdy_03 Report | 06/11/2009 12:51 pm
I'm doing...good...although i'm kinda dissapointed on myself...but, yeah im good n___n you? what's up? smile
Dennis Wolf Report | 06/10/2009 10:00 pm
Dennis Wolf
meh its ight, i meen im jus tryin to finnish the year off with good grades, u?
Shashema_13 Report | 06/10/2009 7:46 am
*sits humming to self listening in a bit* hhmm
i'd like to talk to her see if she feels the same as u *she walks back in n turns back* it'll only be a few
*looks at her a little confused but ready for what she has*
*sits back down on the chair* may i ask you some qeustions deary?
o no it's alright
i'm curios about if how old he is and how old you are affects your relationship?
o um well it doesn't bother me too much
so u mean it bothers you a little
well not the age difference i just um how to put it like to explore
i see what you mean but you do love this young or older to you man right?
o very much so...whats your name?
that's beutiful i'm miranda
wouldn't you know too M
*luaghs* yea
may i ask you one more question?
*nods a lil weryly*
do you trust this boy with your life
*is shocked at her qeustion* o well
i mean he said he could do it yet you still came here
*thinks about it* well i....just....thought...i dont feel so good *room starts to spin n faintes*
o dear *leaping up cheecking her eyes* o dear o dear
Shashema_13 Report | 06/09/2009 6:27 pm
*blushs n smiles* and i love him
sweety may i pull u out for a mintue *gestures to the boy*
it's ok i'll be fine *nods for you to go*
stands up and walks out the door holding it waiting* just for a sec
*nods* it's alright
Shashema_13 Report | 06/09/2009 6:15 pm
*nods listening* ok thank you o so much
its nothing darling. May i ask how old are you dear
i'm 14 soon gunna be 15
splended *turns to the boy* and how old are you deary?

The Last Point

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i'm never going to die!

Me & My Top {extended}

Let’s begin now about me 1st. my name is Richard & I’m 19 years old now. I’m about to finish high school pretty soon. A little about my personality: I’m 1st of all very loyal & protective of my friends of high ranks & am willing to work things out with any of them regardless of the time or what I’m doing @ that moment. I’m a faithful person whom is willing to stay by a friend to the very end. I have high respects for people including myself & for females as well as people that I really look up to. I trust people with knowing about me, but I also don’t trust them with knowing everything about me unless they prove to be someone whom would never intentionally hurt me or cause my life to be harder. When it comes to being supportive, I’m very much so but I also can hold my own to a great degree. I’ll do my best to support friendships but I’ll also do my best to support myself & try to better my life as well. I’m a very complex person but as you get to know me you’ll understand why & also might be able to simple me out more as time goes on by. Things I like are Bondage, {depends on the person I’m with & what they’re willing to do} Foreplay, {read Bondage} Movies, {depends on my mood} Role Playing, {depends on the person & the mood I’m in determines the type of RP I’m going to initiate} Playing Games {determined by what my mood is, how new the game is, what type of game, & a few more} Talking on the phone, {depends on who I’m calling, when I’m calling, why I’m calling, more reasons} Hanging out, {depends on who it is, where they live, what we’re doing} Sleeping, {all the time} Helping others, {I spend my life doing this} Poetry, {depends on Mood & Emotions & Feelings that time, who it’s about, what it’s about} Playing around, {read Bondage} & so much more. To be honest about something, I have a very Negative Personality because of the 3 Dark Energy Cores, One being in my Heart, One being in my Soul, & One being in my Mind. That partly with my Low-Self-Esteem, & my Low-Self-Confidence would explain everything there. Being very humble & very Emotional @ times & always holding my Depression & Sorrow back, I tend never to really show emotions & feelings all the time. So don’t show me any sympathy because I don’t need it @ all. now my favorite colors are from 1 - 5 respectively Ruby Red, Crimson Red, Flame Red, Fire Brick Red, Midnight Blue, Sky Blue, Cyan Blue, Royal Blue, Magenta, Dark Magenta, Dark Orchid, Orchid, Golden Rod Yellow, Dark Golden Rod Yellow, Black, & White. I’m editing my profile as time goes by so look for updates often. & welcome to my profile everyone.

#6 nspeedk
Trust & Faith & Loyalty & Respect & Support Keys= 20 & 18 & 18 & Max & 20
Comms & Love= Lovely & Very High {might Rank Up}
Family & Heart & Soul & Core Keys= 18 & 16 & 2 & 14
{dude where to start with you. you're the only person I known before high school so you have so much history with me. you're awesome, crazy, deadly with your speediness, understanding, very crazy, extremely random, one of few people R.L. wise I know on here, is like a brother to me, love speaking to, an extreme gamer, someone I'll never tire talking to (though sometimes I wish I was faster than him so I can kick his a** when he runs), & so much more. love ya bro & when ya leave you know that I’m going to hunt you down right? lol ~kicks a** & runs~ don't catch me lmao!!!}

The only person I know for more than a decade.

#7 p e an u t_b u tt e r c p
Trust & Faith & Loyalty & Respect & Support Keys= 16 & 18 & 18 & 20 & 20
Comms= Very High
Heart & Soul & Core Keys= 11 & 5 & 10

heart x11 {I really have to thank Destiny for bringing us back together. 1st of all, I really regret the time we split up too because we would have been a lot closer than we are now if we wasn’t split up in the 1st place... she’s a wonderful person, very sweet, very playful (stretches it @ times) very kind, lovable, trusting, goof ball, cunning & so much more. What I like about her is that she’s sweet, a good listener, really fun to talk to, amazing personality (of what I know of her so far) direct & to the point, honest, loving person, can have a good convo with, protective of me (she’s not over or under it which I’m glad for.) non envious either, really cunning, knows how to make me really have a good time, & so much more about her. You get the point right? Anyways, though with the giant gap we have between each other, it really hasn’t stopped us on really being friends. I am really grateful we have met up again & I’m also really happy she pmed me that day. We like each other & it’s a really short friendship but as time goes on by & we learn more about each other & really be more comfy & open around each other, it would be much greater here.}

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Destiny in the making in bringing us 2 back together

#8 Princess_Darkness_Akasha
Trust & Faith & Loyalty & Respect & Support Keys= 13 & 12 & 12 & 18 & 12
Comms & Love= Good & Great
Heart & Soul & Core Keys= 11 & 1 & 11
heart x11 {So when it comes to her I'd admit I do love her a lot. I would never hurt her & she's never hurt me. Things for us have been really bumpy & to be honest we have held out really well against these things. We have had our rocky times but for the better we overcame them & I’m happy. Full of happiness love & protectiveness of me (not over protective) she knows how to make me smile & though things are really dark for the both of us we would never let this friendship sever @ all. ~hugs~}

The last thing I ever want to know is her being sad...

#9 Yume_Shinkirou
Trust & Faith & Loyalty & Respect & Support Keys= 17 & 15 & 16 & 23 & 19
Comms & Love= Terrific & High
Heart & Soul & Core Keys= 16 & 5 & 15
heart x16 {When it comes down to a lot of things between us, I really can’t even begin with what to say really. She’s a wonderful girl I give her that & that’s she’s an amazing girl also. She’s a good listener & she’s a random girl I give her that & that she’s really a type of person to R.P. a lot too (which I don’t mind but also too much IS a problem...). We’re like @ a sticky type of thing @ the moment but also we’re like all over the place while we talk. She’s busy so am I so we’re like in a block right now to be honest. We’re still good but also we’re like a little apart @ the moment mainly. Hopefully things do get better but right now I do thnk it’s going to last a while right now. I just hope it ends really soon.}


#10 iAm Perverted
Trust & Faith & Loyalty & Respect & Support Keys= 21 & 18 & 20 & 18 & 22
Comms & Love= Good {about to Rank Up} & High {about to Rank Up}
Family & Heart & Soul & Core Keys= 18 & 12 & 6 & 17
{talking to him after I met him on Gaia towns was the greatest gift I could of ever got from him that day when we met. me & him are really like brothers actually & the things we like & also think about & things we help each other on is amazing to be honest. he's another reason why I’m also as strong as I am now besides myself & Metal. we are like connected in so many ways personality wise & I’d never want the friendship I have with this guy to ever be severed ~gives him a high 5 & pulls out my sword~ I hope these fools are ready to Dance!}


#11 Project Muffin
Trust & Faith & Loyalty & Respect & Support Keys= Max & 18 & 18 & Max & Max
Comms & Love= Good & Very High
Family & Heart & Soul & Core Keys= 18 & 15 & 3 & 12
{bro where to start with you my brother from another mother lmao!! you may be busy to no end & so may I but I’ll always try to make time to talk to you bro. you're one main reason why I am going to finish high school & when I manage to get a free month I’m spending it with ya & ya friends (if you don't mind it @ all) very understanding (though some of his answers are like sorta commonish in a small way) very insane, extremely daring (just like me. yay!!!) }

#12 Mistress Lunar
Trust & Faith & Loyalty & Respect & Support Keys= 14 & 15 & 14 & 17 & 13
Comms= Good
Heart & Soul & Core Keys= 8 & 0 & 6

heart x8 {to start things off we have a really shaky friendship right now. things has been came to a helluva stop & if left to long things would drop entirely. I’m still willing to make things work but me being busy all the time is really stalling things right now. She’s a very random person who's understanding & a good listener (though blond & don't show it half the time) & she holds very good convo's about things even I don't know much about. Awesome person to talk to (though she has a very envious heart...) ~hugs~}


#13 Dennis Wolf
Trust & Faith & Loyalty & Respect & Support Keys= 15 & 15 & 15 & 21 & 15
Comms= Semi-Terrific
Heart & Soul & Core Keys= 16 & 7 & 12
{Bro, where to start with you? lol Damn it’s a lot to say when it comes to you. Though 1st of all you’re someone I trust with plenty of things so far & also I trust you more than most people in our school. There’s not too much to say because we are mostly alike in a lot of ways. Though our favorite colors are different lol but I’m going to try to get these numbers up here better then I’ll put more for you.}

Cousins for life. Love ya cuz!


Exzenmaru's avatar

Registered: 12/06/2006

Gender: Male

Birthday: 07/07/1989

Occupation: School right now

Personal Website

"His World" Zebrahead

Metal World

#2 MetalMadness987
Trust & Faith & Loyalty & Respect & Support Keys= 24 & Max & Max & Max & Max
Comms & Love= Max & Forbidden Family {Maxed out}}
Family & Heart & Soul & Core Keys= Max & Max & 18 plus 10 & Max
{For starters he’s one of few brothers I have in my life besides my Bio Brother (who’s on myspace). I love him dearly & he’s always there to help me out through anything & everything. No matter what he does that’s stupid (& no matter how stupid it is), I can never forget how much of an amazing, caring, loving, understanding, protective, psychotic, random, unique, quiet, deadly, smart, psychic, advise giving, perfect timer, funny, playful person he is. He’s like also the light of my day & also is the person I turn to for personal comfort & for just to have someone there in person because a lot of people that’s on this list don’t have the luxury of having me there as a person unlike him but I’m happy to have even one person to even have beside me while I just crash daily. He’s in love with using emotes so like......... yeah......... But anyway, he’s the one person I can trust with secrets & can also interpret me entirely like I want to be interpreted (not like how people want to interpret me). It makes me feel like I don’t have to do much too actually fit in someone’s life. I’m glad that I have a person like him in my life & he’s one reason why I would cry also if I ever was to. Honestly, he’s one person I can trust with anything, say anything to, tell anything to, knows about my inside life & outside life, has been through so much with me, knows how I feel & understands it, makes me laugh even if I don’t want to, makes it impossible to even live without smiling all the time. I love you bro & never will I want us to part. (Missing point: “Key” #2}

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Evanescence - Sweet Sacrifice

This is Halloween By Marilyn Manson

Thinking Of You By ATC (To My Miracle Angel)

My Miracle Baby

#3 Mawki
Trust & Faith & Loyalty & Respect & Support Keys= 22 & 26 & 29 & Max & Max
Comms & Rank & Love= Max & Outer Core & Divine Princess
Heart & Soul & Core Keys= Max {non-dating} & 17 plus 10 & 24
heart x Max {She’s my Divine Princess & the girl who I love deeply. Though she’s under Metal & Yairi, she’s untouchable from others beneath her. I Love her dearly & I’m never going to pick anyone or anything over her no matter what they could offer me. Not even money can compare to how lively she makes me feel. She’s one person like many others on this list that loves to use emotes (which I don’t mind but I also don’t use either. Should I use one, it’s once in a eclipse that I use them) I play as her Devil while she plays as my Angel & the reasons why she’s my Angel are right here: Extremely loving, caring, helluva protective, (not overprotective like most others I know or not under protective like some that I know), loyal, faithful, adorable, gorgeous, trustworthy, helluva random (one of many things I adore about her heart x3), unique, ultra understanding, an extremely good listener (though blonde in the heart lol),a former gamer (the type of girls I tend to like more than mostly other types. & I’d give up my gaming ways [not like there’s really much there anymore anyway] for her too.), willing to try to make this work should it ever get threatened, has the ability to make me smile to my cheeks hurt & laugh to my ribs hurt (awesomeness heart ), reached places inside my heart that not even the person who had a lot of the things too never got to. She also has the ability to help me control the Dark ½ of myself (which is something only Metal & Yairi possess.) To top it all off, she is the only person that I’d date if I knew her I.R.L. that’s on this list, & we are alike in almost everything & we agree on a huge # of things. Though a moderate length friendship, I feel like I’ve known her for years already compared to the person who previously held the keys to some of the deepest chambers of my heart & that I’ve known for years already. I utterly hate wasting time (even if it’s a second) when it comes to having a shot to talk to her. I do all my things (house chores to playing even video games) after talking to her (or before so I don’t have to get bothered @ all). People swear I’m dating her due to how I talk about her all the time (let’s get real, I’d date her if we lived near each other) I love talking to her & I always miss her. I pray things between us never get screwed or gets sabotaged @ all. So help me God if something happens between us I’m going to be depressed for who knows how long (same type of feeling with Miranda Yairi Metal & Tara too). We know each other extremely well & getting to know & understand her more as time goes by. ~cuffs & hugs tight~ you ease my life a lot & I’m grateful that I have you in my life. Just know that after mostly all convo’s you have me in pain after them ( heart ). I Love you so so so much baby‼‼‼ (Missing point: “Key” #3)}

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The Adorable Zombie Princess Of Inhuman Miracles

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Freezepop "Get Ready To Rokk"

I Am The E.G.G.M.A.N. Remix

Behold The Machine
Zaci Chan
Laughing Like A Lunatic
Dennis Wolf
Behold The Machine
Laughing Like A Lunatic
l-The Baby Eater-l
e-Momo 4
