
A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle.
Girl:Slow down, i'm scared.
Guy:No, this is fun.
Girl:No it's not, please, it's so scary.
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl:I love you, slow down.
Guy:Now give me a big hug
*She gave him a big hug*
Guy:Can you take my helmet off & put it on yourself, It's really bothering me.
The next day in the newspaper, a motorcycle crashed into a building due to brake failure. Two people were in the crash, but only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks weren't working, but he didn't want the girl to know. Instead, he had her hug him and tell him she loves him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live, even if it meant that he would die. If you would do the same for the person you love, copy this in your profile. Journal

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xXxAngelOfHellxXx's journal

Anime xD

I like watching anime, reading manga, and shoping for anime stuff... so basicly im addicted to anime/manga.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Houou Joushou

Report | 03/28/2010 10:39 am

Houou Joushou

Happy Birthday Emma =)
Houou Joushou

Report | 01/24/2010 9:04 pm

Houou Joushou

hmm... it's not thaaaat different from high school... just the way the professors teach I suppose... it's like a year of high school in fast forward mode and squished into half a year o.o;; agh... and of course the distance in walking from one class to the next XD haha... not to mention the schedules... so yea I guess it really is different...

facebook yes I do have =) o.O;; there are a lot of emmas... perhaps it's easier for you to find me? XD search my full name (not liz) and Che. =) err mine would be the one that is not spanish... and has college in the title thing not to mention the goth loli costume if you see the pic.

alright alright, summer it is =/ but you better keep that promise =P yes procrastination is bad >_<;; lately i've been getting very lazy... since I don't have to go to school (officially yet)... although that will start on the 28th =.=;; so I have 3 days left. bleh... not really in the mood

yes hopefully the next semester flies by well without any problems and the classes are easy... haha well wishful thinking never hurts =3
good luck on your exams!! :nodd:

and thank you =) hehe you could get some nice gaia items too if you spend more time around the forums o.o;; collecting gold lol or investing in items (marketplace) but perhaps not anytime soon... since you seem to be procrastinating enough as it is =O make sure you finish those assignments!

Report | 01/24/2010 1:32 pm


Yea the population did increase and leveling is really hard >.< Takes a long time to get 1% Probably be able to play during regents week (off for me) =)

Report | 01/23/2010 4:40 pm


EMMA! Hiya! I'm feeling the stress too =( I'm doing well ^-^ I miss you =( Haven't been playing maple lately due to hw and all and starting to lose my passion for it >.< You should come back to Mapleglobal sometime so we can all hang out smile
Houou Joushou

Report | 01/20/2010 4:01 pm

Houou Joushou

well it turns out that I got a B in chemistry and the one class I thought I was doing well in, Biology, I got a C! =O wow... that was just surprising... calc I got a B... and A in calc lab... A- in Chem lab and A- in Bio lab... ehh... this isn't good TT-TT;; my advisers told me I need to pick up the grades or else my scholarships will be gone >.<;; argh this is trouble indeed.

nopes I don't have msn and I don't use ebuddy... not that I know what that is o.O

yes the good o'l ms days were fun. ahh I miss them too >.<;; I got to level 113 though XD haha well I got there 2 weeks ago... and nancy is at 112 (I finally passed her XD) uh other than that nothing new. ... meh I miss you TT-TT

noo u must play again!... you can think of it as a reward for doing your homework or something =O do u text? if so we can chat more frequently that way O.O;; hmm and I can probably leech you when I get to 120... XD

Report | 12/26/2009 9:14 pm


Emma!!! 2 days late Merry Christmas =O I didnt talk to you for so long! How have you been? =)
Houou Joushou

Report | 12/24/2009 5:36 pm

Houou Joushou

Emma! [glomps] long time for sure. Yes Merry Christmas (eve) to you too =) its been well I suppose... I'm in college now ... agh not doing well in chemistry but somehow trying to manage along? how are you? I missed you bunchies <3
Houou Joushou

Report | 08/25/2009 8:17 pm

Houou Joushou

hmms yea that's true too... it was cruel for him to kill all of them... =x... they were all "good" in a sense... just following a fake dream >.<;; they were lied to... which makes it even sadder >.<;; haha yea joker was probably the best out of that group... and the girl in the end that came running by ... all alone now... probably joined the revenge against ciel team =O

wow 2k+ students =O that's a lot.... my school only had like 400ish kids ... and there were like almost less than 20 Asians out of that population o.o everyone else was mostly "white" ... ah but recent years had more "brown/black"

lol yea I was thinking you were gonna think that when I said weed. lol that's why I described it XD but yea... felt like gardening work on a deserted island =.= it's all part of community service... needs a min of 30 hours in order to graduate... 10 hours per a year O.O ...

emma should sleep earlier. I only go to sleep past 1 when I have to do homework or something lol. When you start school again you're going to feel drained and won't be in the habit of sleeping earlier =O and you'll get purpley colors under your eye =O and look like itachi from naruto =X ... although he is cool too .... >.>

today was definitely better. I stayed mostly in an air conditioned building... minus the time I had to take public transportation and walk... but that's bearable... although I was sweating anyway >.> ah I received a mac book pro for free XD hehe my first laptop... and a mac o.o although I don't really know how to use it... differentish from window controls.

yes Guileastos love <3 XD lol I thought so too XD ha they all looked soo cool o.o handy flying carpet to boot and the pet marriage was funny XD wouldnt have thought the phoenix was a girl o.o hmm wicked is not bad either but between them two I like Guileastos the most XD

Here's the link:

well at this point if I eat or dont eat I somehow feel the same... just a bit head achy if I pass meal time too long o.o cuz I normally eat something after coming back from school... and then eat again during dinner so I think of it as getting no "early lunch" / "snack"
Houou Joushou

Report | 08/24/2009 6:32 pm

Houou Joushou

Oh my yes XD Kuroshitsuji is an awesome manga XD even the servants are soo cool lol XD yea... although Sebastian only followed Ciel's orders o.o and Ciel did that because he thought it was for the best that they were killed... because well I'm not gonna spoil it if you didn't get up to the latest chapter =P

Gym in my school basically depends on your preparation (gym uniform), not being late, and participation (just play XD doesn't matter how bad). haha so basically the people who fail gym in my high school were those who were always late or forgot their gym uniforms O.O... although I got to choose Yoga/Ballroom dance as my gym class in senior year which was the best gym class I ever had =O Yoga is awesome XD hehe

No really, the brain is squishy... its just that the ones we dissected were preserved in some liquid thing and sealed in plastic wrapping... so it became hard... (old brain) o.o

I just came back from day one of my college orientations =.= ahh so tired my legs hurt >.<;; woke up at 4:30am this morning... left the house at 6... took the ferry then the subway, then walked... and got there by 8:00? aghs ... spent the entire day in a park... playing "ice breaker" games (group activity to get to know each other) and then going to a community service project off somewhere on an island with loads of weeds =.= yes... I had to pluck out the weeds and throw them into the garbage for practically 2 hours under the scorching sun... then had to go back to the meeting place and listen to people talk until 4:30pm =.= got home at 6:45pm agh.... and tomorrow is day 2 of the orientations >.<

ooh last Friday I got to level 100 on maple XD hehe so proud and nancy got to 101 XD
btw... my knight of cygnus is called EarlCiel <3 hehe made it look like Ciel too when he dressed up as a girl for that ball XD (pig tails and blue eyes) although level 45... haven't been able to play lately because of all these college events >.>

hmm the books I bought with my own money... from lunch (saved up from not eating lunch) and uh new years?, birthday? ... yea... there's probably $3k worth of mangas in that shelf o.o... I have pictures in my journal if you want to dig through to find it... but some pic links might be broken o.o but most still works.
Houou Joushou

Report | 08/19/2009 7:58 pm

Houou Joushou

ahh sorry for the delayed comment. We bought xXxHoLiC on DVD box set + Code Geass part 3 box set so err... we've been watching them all day... and there wastes some 2 days? today I played maple... yes maple... and got to lv 95 >.< lol yes I know it takes much longer time than the private server but it feels more accomplished than getting it the easy way lol

Ah my manga orders also came in... so I spent half a day reading through all of them (Otomen vol 2 + 3, Bride of the Water God vol 3, Kamichama Karin vol 5, and Angel Diary vol 9) XD although there wasn't much development in Angel Diary... just some past stuff revealed about See-In and Ryung ... and a fight between someone and someone... .. someone gets wounded....won't tell you who and finally a group of others appear... and that was it =.=;; nothing really happened.

hmms... that makes sense. You guys might get a pig per a group or something o.o ... that's what we did with the brains and other organs... Each group of like 4 - 6 gets one thing to cut up... but since people were squeamish I was the one who dissected them. Ehh it's not that awesome... the brain was hard... not squishy or anything... well kinda like a sponge... but it's been preserved in fermeldahide <<< can't spell it but some sort of liquid that stinks =X

bah math. Well it's not like I really hate it but if you give me an option of something or math, I would choose that something =.= ahh be it science or english. Art is even better ... although its a tough decision between gym and math.... but if it's yoga I don't mind o.o

soo how's it going Emma?


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