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User ImageMy name is Shirley. I'm a freelance photographer. You can find my work here on Facebook. If you're interested in buying prints, feel free to email me @

If there is anything else you wish to know, feel free to message me. Maybe I'll tell.

So, I think that's about it... Enjoy your stay on Hiroe Komine's profile! 3nodding

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Hiroe's Journal

Hiroe Komine

This journal contains what ever I feel like writing



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 04/15/2021 5:45 pm


I'm back on Gaia and they says it's your birthday! Hope you has a happy year!!! heart
Rangiku Matsumoto x

Report | 09/30/2014 1:24 pm

Rangiku Matsumoto x

Your avatar reminds me of long hair Fujioka Haruhi
Your Near

Report | 07/17/2013 1:05 am

Your Near

Ello I seen all out old comments you called me.. Kupo ;_; I missu though anyways :'3
Lucia LeFay

Report | 12/25/2012 4:38 pm

Lucia LeFay

Hello! It's a random comment,I just ask you to rate my avatar HERE!
Dante Alexander 1

Report | 09/10/2012 7:53 pm

Dante Alexander 1

Thanks for buying. Enjoy your House Pride.

Report | 03/15/2012 2:59 pm


Oh my god, could you imagine going up to one of the Walmart stockers to ask them a question and they turned around wearing a gas mask and looking like Vader? I'm not sure if children would laugh or run away crying >_____________>
And I guess its only fair that you thought that about me back then, since I had the same inpression. If only we knew how wrong we were at the time XDD
Oh? What's your outfit look like? I wanna see! 83
Oh, and good luck with Apple Bees!!!!!!!!! Have you heard anything back yet?

Report | 03/06/2012 6:19 pm


Oh man, no wonder we get along so well- we're so much alike! I'm the same way when I don't know someone at first. Ask Kenny. He said that when he first met me, he thought I was a "nice, shy, quiet girl" when I'm really "loud, obnoxious and the bane of his existance". (muahahaha!)

And as it turns out, the poeple up here aren't even half as insane as we are. Maybe its something in the water down there? Or you know what? Its the cows! There aren't any cows here! That's it! But anywho, that's probably why it took me so long to make a friend. Or maybe I just had my standards set really high after always having you and the others around for so long 8CCCCC

Hardrock? O rly? Niiiiice! I still need to get you a gift! Quick! Give me some ideas!! 8I

Its kind of hard to stay away from the orange bloosoms when they are literally EVERYWHERE up here. I'm not even joking. Its what Avon Park is known for-its oranges. Lucky me. >______________>

I tried to get on dA the other day to check out your comics and stuff, but my nonna's desktop freaked out after I was finally able to log in. It was all "Oh, is this what you wanted to see? LOL, NOPE!"

And yes, I have noticed. Mine have too XDDDD

Report | 03/04/2012 7:58 am


Don't be nervous! You'll be great! Seriously! And I know that people have already told you to be yourself for interviews, so I'll say it too- Just be yourself!
I mean, what's there not to like? You've been my best friend since pre k. I would of stuck around if you weren't 100% awesome wink

And as far as how well I'm doing, apparently I'm allergic to orange blossoms. Not like breaking out into hives and all, but the sneezing, and congestion. My nose is so stopped up, that I can only hear out of one ear, and even then it sounds like I'm listening to people talk from under water. I didn't think it was possible for the human body to produce this much snot in a lifetime, let alone within a few days. It SUUUUUUUUUUUCKS.

Other than that, I've finally made a friend up here! (and it only took me, what, 5 months? >_______> wink Its not the same as hanging out with you and the rest of our gang, though /sadface

What about you? Anything interesting going on besides your jobhunts?

Report | 03/02/2012 11:44 am


I know, I know. If I had to cut my hair, I'd be going back to my afro days /shudders
Dude, if you could get those published, that would be ah-MAY-zing! Have you drawn any more of them? They'd be on your dA if you did, right?
Man its been a long time since I've been on there >__>
So you just want some loose curls, then? I think that'd look pretty awesome! And yeah, tight curls are pretty annoying to take care of. If there is even a chance of it raining or I am standing 10 feet away from the nearest puddle of water-POOF!-my hair frizzes out and I look like I stuck a fork in an electrical socket -___________-
I've been scoping out the shops up here and on my next day off, I'm gonna try and see if there are any that do UV up here.

Report | 02/27/2012 1:51 pm


Either Navy or Air Force. Bad thing about Navy, though, is that I would have to cut my hair. /cries
Maybe I could come up with some sort of excuse so I won't have to... like "my hair folicles are directly connected to a major artery, so if I cut my hair, I'll die". Yeah, that sounds good. I think I'm going with that one cool
Well, Applebees is kind of upscale for those kinds of people, so maybe you wouldn't have to serve them very often? I have no idea. I would definitely look into it now before the actual opening.
Believe me when I say that if I was rich, I would pay you to live with me and look pretty /wolf whistle
SO Kenny was asking me earlier today if we were still going through with the triforce tattoo idea. I really want us to, but the one I knew of that did UV tats moved to like, Wisconsin or something. I'll look into other artists, though.
Oh, and how excited are you about the Avengers movie?!! whee


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