
Name: Pinay_Lean
Age: 13
Born: The Netherlands
Likes: Reading Donald Ducks, Drawing, Playing Games, Chatting with friends (I don't have friends), watching Cartoon Network
Dislikes: No UPC, No TV, No Computer, No Donald Ducks, No Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, No Spike
Reads: Donald Ducks, Donald Duck Extra, Donald Duck Pocket, Donald Duck small Pocket
Fav websites: FHfIf adventure game , neopets
Fav cartoons: Foster's Home for Imaginary friends, Courage the couredly dog (or something), Disney, Ed Edd 'n Eddy
Likes to draw: Animals, cartoons
Hates to draw: people

Look at my art on: deviantArt

Make neofriends on neopets with me! Look out, you only can make friends and can send neomail, when your account is over the 13 years old!: Pinaylean is my name at neopets! And ey_leandra!

My petpages and dA account:
dA account
My Ghost Bori's Petpage
My Yellow Usuls Petpage
My Yellow Chomby's Petpage

Beauty Contest: vote for..
- Spikeplush the Ghost Bori
- Pinaylean the Green Xweetok
- Raiinybow the Yellow Usul
- Shaiira the Red Ixi
- Sjiira the Yellow Chomby
..at the beauty contest!


Viewing 12 of 27 friends


Pinay_lean's Journal

See my journal!! ^^



Viewing 2 of 2 comments.


Report | 06/20/2007 7:41 am


cute kitty,...^_^

Report | 06/11/2007 5:01 pm


HI!!!! It's me powercare23 from DA! User Image


Can someone please donate for my dream avatar? I only miss three items, the hair, the orly, and the parasol. Please donate!
User Image