Faith Veradis

Faith Veradis's avatar

Last Login: 04/17/2014 10:50 pm

Registered: 01/04/2007

Gender: Female


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Fuu` Report | 01/13/2008 12:07 pm
I can understand the shoes of course, but whats so cluttered about my avatar in the arena?

Would you rather have an avatar that has better shoes and less items but you still think it needs more or do you want the one with bad shoes but color coordinated and matching but has a little too much on it? I'm sorry but I can't satisfy everyone. If I do what you want then other people may think it looks horrible but if I do it my way then those other people may like it but your still not satisfied with the avtar so what I can I do? Either way I still lose someones interest because of some small mistakes but none of our avatars are perfect.
Boston Rock Report | 05/18/2007 3:38 pm
Why, thank you.
I tend to get that alot
Regina Barclay Report | 05/18/2007 10:59 am
Thank you! =]

I like yours too. whee
