Hellooo. I was just going through the old monochrome threads and noticed you took a particular interest in them. I'm creating a new one, but in my own style not affiliated with anything made before. I saw you offered to be a rater in FL~Fizz's thread right as it died back in '08, which is the last one I could find. I know a significant amount of time has passed since then, but I figured I'd try you anyways. It's not up and running in the AT just yet, but it will be very soon. It's called || MonoChroniK ||, as if it's some sort of affliction shared between colorless lovers. =) Even if you aren't available it would still be nice to see you around when I open the thread. So just let me know if you will. Thanks!
Huh, that surprises me! I guess I've been a bit of the same way....I've been living with my best friend and we entertain each other so I don't get out of the house much. Though lately I've been by myself and it's driving me bonkers. @__@
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....I fall in love with the music, every time. <3 Hope you are doing well, man! Life is good.
I love you in a totally non-gay way! heart
Hellooo. I was just going through the old monochrome threads and noticed you took a particular interest in them. I'm creating a new one, but in my own style not affiliated with anything made before. I saw you offered to be a rater in FL~Fizz's thread right as it died back in '08, which is the last one I could find. I know a significant amount of time has passed since then, but I figured I'd try you anyways. It's not up and running in the AT just yet, but it will be very soon. It's called || MonoChroniK ||, as if it's some sort of affliction shared between colorless lovers. =) Even if you aren't available it would still be nice to see you around when I open the thread. So just let me know if you will. Thanks!