Whut about me? :0


dA account: fruitygum.deviantart.com

I'm not active, don't expect much.


Soo.. uhh. Hey! You might know me as Rychou, Everlasting Gum, or.. yeah. I've done a lot of name changes, and I'm sticking with this one, unless I can get the screen name Coffee.. or Tea. ~

I love to draw, hang out with friends, and stuff. I also love to listen to music, and play many different games. Currently I'm in process of learning how to make said games too! Oh snap.
In my free time I spend time pretending I'm a witch (what? who does that?) or I'm usually drawing and totally not be on this site because I'm doing other life-ly things besides this. ( ;*u*)

Anyways! Enjoy my cheesy profile.