Anyways, I am Meimi132. I am everywhere. I know where you live!! lol, Just kidding, I only know where some of you live.
biggrin I'm 20, at Uni this year, next year and the year after that! lol. I've been a member of Gaia since 2003, when it was still www.gogaia.com.
I'm gonna try and add all my friends again which the stupid hacker deleted. :sob: The only one I remember is Werdna offhand...and a couple of others....
Anyways, I love anime,manga,japan,tv,games,internet,cute stuff,drawing and loads of other stuff
heart 3nodding Votes please?[/size:36419d9ecd][/color:36419d9ecd] 3nodding heart [/align:36419d9ecd]
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