About me
Happy Halloween everyone! I am Jack of Blades ofcoarse. Remember kids halloween isn't too far away so be prepared! The summer should be used more for preparing your costume's and candy routes you will take to get the most candy in less time. This is not a competition but for your own good kids! Now play the tricks, retrieve the treats, and always have a happy halloween!How evil am I? apparently this evil...
You're evil but you prefer to keep to yourself. You kill when you're depressed which is quite often. You hate the human race and wish they were all dead so you do your part and to a life from time to time. You wonder the earth alone in darkness of your own mind. Emptiness is in your heart and you might prefer it that way.
So far thats good but is it evil enough? I think it just might be...
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It was done with a lot of experimenting, and the borrowing of an item or two from my friends! : P
Imma put you on mah profile
where you workin? =3
how about you?
how about you?