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Depression and/or Drama Queens:
People are addicted to drama. Bad things happen and while it may hurt for a while, they become attatched to all the attention like it's their new favorite thing and they go looking for it. Some people grow out of it, others don't. It doesn't take much for what you set out for to really hurt you, and when the people around you are all gone, what's the point? But some people don't even have one special person to confide in, or they choose to keep everything bottled inside. Most of these people are hateful and have low self esteems. I'm not saying that you're a horrible person because you speak your mind. In fact, that's a good thing to the right people. I'm not saying you hate the world if you draw sad pictures and refuse to talk to anyone, I'm just saying that you don't have to go through life being the person that sits in the corner with no one to love. Get up, dust off your past, and create your future or you'll never get anywhere. If you have bad memories, create new, good ones. Life goes on, no matter if you don't want it to, change happens, and the best thing to do is just roll with it. If you're sad, just smile for no reason. It feels a lot better. It's not that easy, I know, but doing nothing about it never helps.
First off, if you're a bully, who the hell do you think you are to know you could be threatening someone's life and laugh about it? Do you know how many suicides are because of harassment? Just what is your motivation? To those who look in the mirror every day thinking of how good looking they are, how many friends they have, and how relaxed they are at home and are still pathetic enough to go to school or work and beat others down because they don't happen to have all the things you do, just who do you think you are? Look around you, how many people you harass do you actually know? How many of them go home to abusive families, I bet you don't know that either. And if you do know, then you deserve to rot in hell for making someone's life so miserable that they can't stand to live. Get mature and get a life, it's not cool. The people who laugh along with you probably talk about what a p***k you are behind your back anyway.

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A lover's tales

I once thought love was for the lucky untill I gave it all for him

Stories, poems, and diary entries about life and love. Straight down to the basics of reality



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Green O V E R A L L S

Report | 01/23/2010 9:41 am

Green O V E R A L L S

oh wow i wouldn't put up with her, my step sister was exactly like that....and it pissed me off so much so to get back at her i ******** her boyfriend...
kinda evil i suppose, but she deserved it. and everyone hates her now anyway. i just don't appreciate people talking behind my back, really makes me angry. unless what they are saying is true, cuz i am a huge b***h. so i don't care if people call me that :3
Green O V E R A L L S

Report | 01/21/2010 8:57 pm

Green O V E R A L L S

well im from a big town, and im not like from big towns have to put on a tough front, just to get by
Green O V E R A L L S

Report | 01/21/2010 5:23 pm

Green O V E R A L L S

haha, my dad lives out in a small town in Michigan and i went to school out there for a year. it was sooo much different, the people were alot nicer :3
Green O V E R A L L S

Report | 01/20/2010 6:49 pm

Green O V E R A L L S

well, i just hated most of the people there...i had a small group of friends and that was about it. i also got into a lot of fights...but thats what happens when you go to a shitty school in L.A.
Green O V E R A L L S

Report | 01/19/2010 9:55 pm

Green O V E R A L L S

yeah, well highschool is just gotta stick it out. i finally got out of it 2 years ago and things are sooo much nicer in college
Green O V E R A L L S

Report | 01/19/2010 7:57 pm

Green O V E R A L L S

thats a pretty interesting story smile well tell them to stop it then...
Green O V E R A L L S

Report | 01/19/2010 6:40 pm

Green O V E R A L L S

kittys a cute nick name tho!
its better than being called Amazon woman...
Green O V E R A L L S

Report | 01/19/2010 6:34 pm

Green O V E R A L L S

yeah, i mean lots of people ca pull them off....but colored eyes are always better XD
Green O V E R A L L S

Report | 01/19/2010 6:22 pm

Green O V E R A L L S

i got my dads eyes, im glad...cuz my moms are brown D:
haha thanks
Green O V E R A L L S

Report | 01/19/2010 6:19 pm

Green O V E R A L L S

You have gorgeous eyes <3