Allegro Blu

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K-poplover44 Report | 04/08/2017 4:11 pm
thxs for buying heart
captain PeperHook Report | 12/21/2015 4:55 pm
captain PeperHook
hey! Sto bene, te? Grazie per i complimenti all'avatar! (E scusa per il ritardo, mi sono accorta adesso del commento!)

I libri di Harry Potter? Tutti, più volte, in più lingue whee
Hottokeiki Report | 01/24/2015 6:38 am
No termino de entender la frase en japonés porque tuve que dejar a mitad de 2° y no vi los kanjis XD
Quiero seguir aprendiendo porque me encanta. Desde que aprendí a usar internet y a bajar cosas, miro todo el anime en japonés y destestaba los doblajes que pasaban en la tele jaja Si puedo ver algo en su idioma original lo hago.
Lo de Nisman es terrible..... Me da mucho miedo como pueden matar tan fácil a un funcionario público, porque c'mon, suicidio no fue.. El gobierno contradiciendose todo el tiempo cambiando el discurso a cada rato, tan idiotas nos creen? XD (perdón si sos kirchernista, I'm not and I can't help the rant..) Amo Argentina, pero este gobierno me invita cada vez más a probar suerte en el exterior and I hate that sad
FluffyChii Report | 01/20/2015 11:40 am
Me too~ c:
I agree entirely
Well, with art, it has been a thing that I've always enjoyed, but I only really got into it a couple of years ago. Since then it's just been something that I do in my free time, and a lot of my teachers, friends and family are really encouraging me to take it. There's GCSE Art and BTEC Art; my teacher told me that GCSE art would suit me better because there is less guidance with the work set and also there are more artist studies and explorations, which I really enjoy doing.
Psychology, although I don't know much about it at all, just sounded really interesting to me and like something that I would enjoy. I can't really explain why, but there you go.
Geography, again, is just a subject that I really enjoy, especially the human side of geography, although I love the physical too. It's also one of the more academic subjects out of my options, and I need at least one of those to accompany the others. A few of my friends are taking it too, and it's likely that I'll be placed in the same class as at least one of them, as we're roughly working at the same level. Aside from that, it just seemed like something I should do, seeing as in the last assessment I got two levels higher than anyone else in the class.
Astronomy is something that I think I'd be interested in, and my dad is really interested in it, so he could help me. We have this giant scientific telescope that I could use for my work, although I will have to still go in to school most of the time for group assignments and the like. I've heard that it's really difficult and not many schools offer it as an individual course, so there's that, too.
French and Spanish are languages I equally enjoy studying, but I'm a bit better at French than Spanish. Also, my teacher said that since I'm interested in art, and France has a lot of connections to art, it may be worthwhile taking it. However, she did strongly stress that it just depends on which one I enjoy more, and that I'd probably end up with roughly the same grade in either.
If I do end up taking Spanish, though, I can take Music instead of Astronomy. I'm not really sure if I want to take Music, honestly; I've already got a creative subject and I just feel like I'm not good enough to take it. I had Music class today and my teacher told me that I am the most skilled in my yeargroup, but I'm still not sure.
Blehh, sorry, I rambled so so much! Sorry >< x
Wasibru Report | 01/19/2015 11:30 pm
Hi! Same to you! Sorry it's been so long. sweatdrop Do you have AIM or Skype? Maybe we can talk on there? My names on those are Kitomyx.
Hottokeiki Report | 01/19/2015 12:42 pm
Acá ando, prefiero el calor a la lluvia torrencial pero por lo menos hay luz en mi barrio!
Soy de Buenos Aires también!

Aprte de inglés también sé un poco de japonés y un míiiinimo de francés por la facultad, pero nunca seguí jaja
Japonés planeo retomar este año, dejé a mitad de 2ndo y me re gustaba!

Antes Gaia era mas copado en todo sentido! Ahora la inflación hizo que todos hoardearan (?) items y gold, están todos super greedy... El otro día hasta leí un comentario que decía "Ay me agradecieron por comprar en su shop, qué onda? lame!" Y yo pensaba "pero eso fue buena educación nomás wtf"
Igual encontré bastante gente que zafa y que sigue acá por el hecho de hacer amigos y conocer mas gente & stuff. That's nice.
FluffyChii Report | 01/19/2015 10:23 am
Not a problem at all c: Glad to hear that you're well
Yes, I used to love them when I was younger; I used to get freshly baked ones from the shop on the way to school for breakfast (I was still in a pushchair at that time, though!)

Thank you. Yeah, I'm in year nine, with I think is eighth grade. Just handed in my options form for what GCSEs I pick; it wasn't a final thing, but I'm pretty confident about what I chose. I picked Astronomy, Art, Geography and French. I wanted to take Psychology, but the course was cancelled because the teacher left x
FluffyChii Report | 01/19/2015 8:27 am
Sorry for the late response, I've been out at school
I'm good, thanks for asking c: And yourself?
Yeah, but I don't really eat anything in particular. Usually fruit or cereal
What about you? x
Hottokeiki Report | 01/17/2015 6:48 am
Estoy en Gaia desde el 2008 mas o menos, pero tuve épocas de abandono xD ahora estoy enganchada de nuevo, pero volví de un hiatus de maso 6 meses.
La verdad me da lo mismo el idioma jaja. Si sé que la otra persona sabe inglés entonces empiezo a mezclar porque total va a entender. Así que lo que te parezca más cómodo está bien!

Cómo estás? De qué parte de Argentina sos? biggrin
EternityLily Report | 11/09/2014 4:34 am

Thank you for your purchase of Sienna Self Portrait ~! Please come again~! emotion_bigheart