My name is Jessica Losolla and I am 20 years old as of June 28th.
I am engaged to the most wonderful, if a bit ignorant, man in the world and I love him with all my heart despite all my wrongdoings.
I have a fabulous kitty named Survivor and she is my baby through and through.
My little sister Sarah is now 18 years and she is my best friend in the whole universe, known and unknown.
My life is crazy and I am extremely bipolar.
I hope that this life I have been given turns out to be worth it most days,
On others I simply wish to get through them as fast as possible.
I live for my golden days, when everything is perfect, and I can lay in bed with my lover for hours and we get along fabulously with no nitpicking or frowns.
I am 20 years old, and its about time I grew up.
A ThoughtFull Place
A place I can put down my thoughts.
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