this is my first journal..yeah um i am just gonna launch it or whatever it says, oh wait maybe i have done one before!! wow i don't even know hm well i am gonna stop writing now bbye!
this is my first journal..yeah um i am just gonna launch it or whatever it says, oh wait maybe i have done one before!! wow i don't even know hm well i am gonna stop writing now bbye!
Last Login: 01/23/2012 3:21 pm
Registered: 03/26/2007
Gender: Female
Location: Chalvin,Turkistan
Birthday: 09/01
random really big avi (mine)
random really big avi (mine)
random really big avi (mine)
random really big avi (mine)
random really big avi (mine)
random really big avi (mine)
Illia the level 99 Gardevoir!
forbidden fruit shrine
i have a fear of being forgotten by everyone and even that weird?
well i take lots and lots and lots of pics with people so i don't have to worry as much.(haha it makes me think of loveless,hopefully people don't think i am trying to copy loveless,that would be stupid,not to say loveless is stupid, loveless is awesome)
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oh well thats in the past now
i just use the forcxe and obi wan tells meh teh answers >.>
muahahahaha >.>
ja i taught kids <.< what of it??
i don't think I have scared any of em for life >.>
I went on this field trip to some massivce oldgrowth watershed kinda place 3nodding
I hate missing days of school cause i dont get to buiold robots at home ^-^
ah..... that is scary, friggin pyscopatic peoples over reacting to the h1n1 when the normal flu kills more people every year
meh juswt media hype
all the vaccine really is is a smaller dosage of the h1n1
oh and btw it feeds on sugar 3nodding
no sweets if you get it 3nodding
and srsly! I'm sick of people gwetting sick as well!
friggin peoples need to get better immune systems worked on <.<
and thank you!
I don't even know how i got the idea for this avi though sweatdrop
lol >.>
just keep up on your school work and you'll do fine >.<
ja I'm behind cause I wen t to teach otudoor school kids for a week
then came back and wen ton anouther field trip for three days
lol but
I'm caught up now 3nodding
inded about the sickness
you can really tell that its the flu season
at least i think it is >.>
lol oh well
hope peoples start to get better soon
lol too much catch up work to do at school right now >.>
and i need ta find a job
and graduate this year
and i have a waaay to busy scedual
but im not sick >.>
hope you have gotten better in the mounth or so that i haven't been online sweatdrop
so tehn
how was your week?