There's nothing that you need to know about me that you can't find out by asking.
heart I am questing for a little pet black cat, to remember Illy McHenry. R.I.P. 01.15.05 ~ 04.07.11 heart
She died violently and before her time. I was going to have a garden to remember her by, but my landlord is a wretched, mean old lady. So, I thought remembering her with my avatar for now, would be okay. Feel free to donate!
Tales of Interest!
Um, ******** this noise!
Just random mutterings. I just use it to rant.
Agony is truth; its our connection to the living. I accept it as perfection - and keep on existing in the now.
"Smile", ~Eyedea&Abilities (R.I.P.)
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