
Call me Mimiki. c:



t w i n k l e_ 1 5 - Berry Tavern Wench's Bustier heart

heart = was on wishlist


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Report | 02/03/2013 10:10 pm


♥ I feel bad, I'm sorry. >.< If I was notified of it earlier I would've done something about it, but I've sort of ceased with the profile making/avatar art making for Gaia since I started college. I did some premades for a temporary shop I had, but that's about it.

Thanks for letting me know though and not blowing up in my face or anything. I appreciate you being uniform about it.

Report | 02/03/2013 10:10 am


♥ And quick question, so I know I have the right person I'm thinking about. Did you ever take a break from Gaia? Because the person I remember was really hard to contact to discuss their profile and I eventually gave up. Because in the post, you put that you had a really late reply so you might've been the person I eventually gave up on because I couldn't discuss the profile details with you. There are two profiles that I have canceled thus far. One was because I couldn't contact the person and the other was because the person offered what they didn't have. So I'm assuming you're the first one.

Report | 02/03/2013 9:59 am


♥ It's alright. n_n And I'm pretty sure I messaged you back saying something towards that because I was busy at the time and requested for a simpler idea from you. You told me you were going to send me another PM. I never got that PM back so I assumed it was closed. Everyone else on that list you linked me to has gotten their order completed. n_n;

Report | 01/30/2013 4:19 pm


♥ I was very busy at the time with my shop at the time and everyone was in the guild from the contest, including you I'm pretty sure. I sent 2 announcements of it. I posted it in the shop and in the quest thread because I was tracking orders by my outbox (Who opened and who didn't) and didn't have room for contest PMs. I would consider it, but you were the only one who didn't get the notification so I thought I was thorough. Sorry. n_n;

Report | 01/22/2013 8:06 pm


I'm sorry hun. u_u It expired a long time ago. I looked back in my journal and I actually remember announcing it in the guild specifically for you because you and one other person didn't claim their prize. The other person also asked me for their prize a year ago and at the time I had also told them it expired.

Report | 01/18/2013 6:00 pm


When was it hun? o: Because I announced twice in the guild that people had to claim their prizes in the next 2 months. Those expired a long time ago. ; ~; I left it open to be claimed for a year.

Report | 06/26/2012 11:57 am


LOOL.. SURE.. (A) C: My argument would be that they didn't say no. ololol :B
when i click it, it says to link it to your bank acc.. etc

Report | 06/26/2012 11:40 am


._. I didn't verify it LOL
and no i told both of my parents about it but they just said they wouldn't suggest doing it. well, at least that's what my mom said. xD my dad was like, i could sell stuff and you can watch over the acc for me. haha
dflkghjdf idk if not verifying the acc works.. ;A; gah

Report | 06/26/2012 9:00 am


angela, did you verify your paypal acc? o-o cos i didn't verify mine and i'm not sure if you can still receive stuff. :/
if you're not sure, there's like some text at the top where it'll say:

Account type: Premier (you did choose this.. right? LOOL) | Status: Unverified Get verified | Account Limits: View Limits

Report | 05/05/2012 5:22 am


yup, this is my account razz



[img:cc00c65ecf]http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll55/Starlite88/111 mimiki_zpsypxibwb3.jpg[/img:cc00c65ecf]
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