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RazorBlade_PunkRomance's avatar

Last Login: 05/26/2009 8:02 am

Registered: 04/10/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Missouri

Birthday: 02/09

Occupation: Student

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Everything Ya'll Need To Know Bout Me ;) Pics In My Journal

Well, to start with, my name's Sierra. Though, I tend to go by SierraRaye. My first and middle name put together, simply because I love the way it sounds. You may call me whichever you prefer. Or, come up with a nickname for me. I love nicknames! It is very interesting to here what my friends come up with.... I think the weirdest/silliest one I've had so far was Emo Penguin... my favorite nickname though would definately be Scooby, due to my love of Scooby-Doo back in 6th-7th grade. I still love Scooby though!
Favorite colors? Blue, black and red are awesome worthy to me. Even put together.. in some cases that is.
I am into rock. Really into it. I love shopping at Hot Topic, mostly because that's the only 'rock' type store located in Kansas City... that I've known of. Spencer's trully does not count to me. So, because of this, I shop online alot.
I'm very... particular about the kind of jewelry and/or clothing I wear. I still haven't placed what kind of style I have. Just me I guess. Anywways, that style consists of not alot, but a good amount of black. When it comes to necklaces or bracelets I take more to gothic, amulets, stones, sorts like that. Let me get one thing straight. Though I seriously love magic, mythic, dragons, wizards, pirates, etc. I don't necessarily believe in the amulets, and certain stones that I take. In a slight sence I do. It's very confusing to explain. It makes more sense in my mind... alot of things make more sense in my mind... Anywho, I love reading and studying about the age of piracy and mythology specifically. So far the most interesting mythology I've come across is Greek Mythology. Aphrodite was very... lovely. Haha. Period.
As you might've already been able to tell, I talk alot, though I don't mean to, if I start to talk to much then tell me. I would rather be told to shut up then to have you not listen because your not interested anymore. So far, no one has told me to shut up. Tim, my best guy friend, would always say, "You don't drown on about nonsence. Your actually fun to listen/talk to."
I love singing. Ever since I first started... I think that was 3rd grade... I decided I wanted to train to become an artist(singer). When I sing it means many things to me. Sometimes I sing just because I want to. Which is why I'm singing almost 24/7 throughout the day. No matter where I am. Othertimes I'll sing because the song is meaningful and the lyrics can be applied to the state I'm in at the moment. Singing is just fascinating and so awesome to me. I know I'm not the only one. =)
I have a fasination with guns, daggers, swords, other weapons, when my dad will allow it, one of this friends is gonna teach me how to handle a sword and learn the steps/footing and all of that. Apparently he doesn't think I'm ready at the moment appaerntly. Though I do have my own gun that I know how to use... I wasn't aware that there was a difference between handling a gun and a sword.Obviously there is.
Ummm.... I'm emo. Though in a different sense. Hard to explain so I tend not to. Ask me personally and I may. I don't like being perfect. I like being different than other girls, or people in general. In a way I contradict myself because even though I don't like to be perfect. I'm a bit insecure and I'm always paranoid that I don't want people seeing my imperfections. Afraid of those judging eyes. Only a few people know problems. That's only because there on the same page and can understand. Either way, I'm a.. hm, a pretender if you will. I pretend that everything's fine. I put on my pretend smile because I don't like my friends worrying about me. Ha. Not counting the fact that I'm one of the worse worry warts in this world. I worry about the slightest thing about my friends and family. But I hate when they worry about me, I don't like that worry look in their face. I'm sure I give them the same look but still.
I'm the tough person of my friends. Not tough as in strong lol. Tough as in, I'm the one who stays calm during problems, I usually never cry because I don't like crying in front of people. I'm kinna like a leader I guess, I usually tend to take charge of things. Like, whenever my friends and I go to the mall, I usually say, "Let's go here. Here. Then Here." Haha, but, it's not an annoying controlling! Least that's wat everyone said.
I'm prideful, and I hate it, but I am what I am. I'm alot of things... obviously. I don't like getting mad. I avoid it all together really. I can never stay mad at someone, no matter what they did.
Lastly, I think I'm a generally nice person with the weirdest, dorkiest, but amazingly awesome personality you'll ever meet. ^_^ Oiush... I think I just about wrote a bloody biography there. o_o Haha, if you have any questions feel free to ask away!!! Love ya's! I LOVE MAKING NEW FRIENDS 3nodding So send me a PM or comment!

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New Icons!! Totally true..
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These are so true
Yes, I am a redhead lol
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This is so very true, I do this all the time
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This is so frekain true
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Pieces of my life I wish to share

Hallo! My name's Sierra. Basically, I'm very random and open... don't know if those are good things or not but thats what I am!!!


View All Comments

Jayko 99 Report | 05/26/2009 1:22 pm
Jayko 99
bai crying
Jayko 99 Report | 04/22/2009 1:46 pm
Jayko 99
Jayko 99 Report | 04/21/2009 2:40 pm
Jayko 99
k. but tell me before you go so i can burden you with guilt of leaving all your firends behind XD jk
Jayko 99 Report | 04/20/2009 12:22 pm
Jayko 99
oh XD that rlly sucks. AY MISS YEW KAY
Jayko 99 Report | 04/16/2009 12:15 pm
Jayko 99
how old r u? i first got my profile when i was like...10 years old and my moms all "BWA BWA BWA YOU HAVE TO BE 13 TO PLAY!" but its not true. but i had to wait TWO YEARS anywayz XD.
Jayko 99 Report | 04/14/2009 4:30 pm
Jayko 99
dont leave!!!!!
Call me_Alice Cullen Report | 04/13/2009 3:35 pm
Call me_Alice Cullen
y ru leaving gaia!!???
cavey rules Report | 03/16/2009 8:51 pm
cavey rules
love da back ground! ^_^
Auntie Beastie Report | 03/02/2009 4:40 pm
Auntie Beastie
x_KiwiSky_x Report | 03/01/2009 11:56 am
No Problem User Image

Thanks for accepting the Add User Image

Okay, so I couldn't figure out how to diable the account, so I'm just leaving it, and maybe it'll disappear or sumthin. Anywho, bye everyone! Love ya! Email me: bloodxmoonxprincess@yahoo.com or myspace me: myspace.com/ rockerxchick4life if you wanna keep in touch. :]