
Effykins's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/22


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It's a: Girl
Age: Old enough
Height: Short
Hair: Reddish, short and spikedish
Eyes: Blue/Grey
Skin: Clear. [Yes... I am that pale.]
You can call her: Plum, Effyplum, Effy, Effykins, Effycake, Effypie... You get the idea


There you have it.

Effy in a nutshell.

This is a former mule that was turned into a main due to a brutal hacking... So if you were friends with Effin Sweet back in the day feel free to add this account. I'd really like to have my friends back.


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Effy's Journal v2.0

Just a place to put stuff...



View All Comments

Vacuous Heart Report | 10/08/2014 8:12 pm
Sanna Report | 07/16/2013 1:48 pm
I really like the way your avi is layered 3nodding
Vacuous Heart Report | 05/23/2012 7:42 am
Vacuous Heart Report | 01/05/2012 12:40 pm
<3's for Effykins
Adilande Report | 06/14/2011 8:55 am
Ahaha. Welcome to motherhood. I get enough of that with the three-year-old I'm forced into babysitting. I can't imagine doing that full-time. XD

Scared silly because I'm going to be a senior and excited because I'm about to start this insane diet that let my aunt drop 60 pounds in <6 months... so maybe I'm finally going to get healthy?
Adilande Report | 06/08/2011 10:16 am
Well, I'm thinking worrying about it won't be any too productive, so try not to dwell.

How is your oldest sprog, by the way?
Adilande Report | 06/07/2011 6:43 am
Actually, I'm mostly not sure who else still checks Gaia. ^^;

And complicated sounds better than bad...?
Adilande Report | 06/06/2011 5:08 pm
XD Thilly Effy. I check this daily.

MSN not so much. x:

How beith you?
Vacuous Heart Report | 06/02/2011 9:44 am
You are even MORE beautiful to meeeee!! I'm sorry I can't text you back much. sad My mom got rid of international texting on our phone lines
so it ends up costing a bit of money. /le sigh
Know that you are in my thoughts! I hope you are well, ly!! <3
Freck Almighty Report | 05/17/2011 7:38 pm
.... <Picks your nose.> ??


Back again after a few years of hiatus...
Teach me the ways of the new Gaia please?
I'm so LOST!

I have a quest thread. Feel free to visit!

Draw me?