"We mustn't look at things as a process we should see our lives as a change to better humanity a chance to alter the course of history and if you don't then ask your self this why bother?"
-Steve Jobs
I try to live by this quote and If I lose at least I tried
Ahh it's been a while since I put anything here but i'm bored and feeling inspired.
-My name is Jedidiah, call me Jed or Sky
-I have a strong sense of Justice
-I spend my time on gaia in PW.FTMOCR and Why Not ?
-I have a twin sister
-I have alot of IRL friends, few know of gaia
-I have a "special" drive to achieve greatness
-Anything is possible
-The Media is raping traditional views
-I have strong political opinions
-Fun is more of my forte
-Dealing with the most eccentric people in the world has given me some interesting in site and I'm left wondering why cows are so damn interesting
- sXe
-My favorite wrestler and childhood hero is "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
-I was a zomg beta tester ,back when it was fun
-FF nerd , favorite video game is Chrono Trigger
-Film Nerd
-What doesn't kill you only makes you better then everyone else
a tribute to zomg beta testing
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