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They call me Panda but if we're talking formal s**t the name's Brooke or Brooklyn. I'm 16 years old reppin' the place all the rappers talk about, the A. But I'm not your stereotypical black, illiterate, ghetto chick. I have an A average in all my class and if your gonna talk racist s**t on me I will more than gladly show you out the door.
I have an optimistic attitude towards life, I'm not rich, or anywhere near it, but I still, gradually plan to raise enough money so I can attend Academy of the Arts in SF. Which turns towards art. I love all the arts! I love drawing, design, acting, singing, dancing, writing, photography! At my dad's house there is a scanner, but I don't got to him too often so I won't be able to post my art work for a while crying

I have other siblings and 4 1/2 siblings. I attend FD high where most people think I'm "different". Well duh...I love being unique and different from the typical ghetto style: girls where mini skirts showing their booty and boys wearing their pants saggy so you can see their nasty draws. I'm like the only nerd. And proud blaugh
People say why I dress and act like an Oreo or a White person, I simply reply...this is why I'm hot! This is why I'm hot! Lolz. Yeah...but I don't got by labels really...I just prefer to see people past their style and past their race or sexual orientation, because I, myself am a Bisexual because sometimes boys just get on my ******** nerves so I go for a girl. ^-^

I guess thats pretty much all. ~*Luff and Huggles*~



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