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Arcana Grimoire

Arcana Grimoire's avatar

Gender: Female

Location: Well...there's a story about that that I'll never tell you


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Hello, stranger. Welcome to my profile. I rarely visit my own profile, so I don't know what it looks like anymore. I'm pretty sure it's drab and boring. The last time I really bothered with it was ages ago. Back when I had these grand plans to learn CSS coding. As you can see... that didn't happen.


My Current Obsession is

Working primarily. I know, I know! How boring, but bills must be paid. I don't have the downtime to draw anymore. Sure, I could be using the time typing this to draw, but why?


So, You wanna know a little more about me?

My Name is:
Arcana Grimoire

Though Some people call me:
Ars, Caina

This year I turned:

I'm currently located in:
Someplace in the United States

My current occupation is:
Phone operator at a major big box retailer

If I was to describe myself, I would describe myself as:
Forever socially awkward. I care too much for people who don't notice me much at all and when I try to warm up to people, it's like microwaving leftovers: warm and inviting on the surface, but cool and detached towards the center. Everyone seems to think I'm always angry, which isn't true. I just take things seriously, because no one else wants to. I can joke around, and have found that most people find me somewhat funny, but I'm generally a serious person. I have been let down too much to feel like I can rely on most people anymore. I hate, hate, HATE flakiness. Show up or shut up, don't sit on the fence acting like it's the biggest life choice you're ever going to make.

I like:
Being happy, Cookies,
Sweets, Friends, flying,
My boyfriend, music,
sleeping, drawing (well, when I feel up to it),
talking to myself, being warm,
snow, bright colors, ms paint,
photoshop, random dreams

I dislike:
Negative attitudes, nagging,
Long documentaries that go on for hours with a monotone female voice as the narrator,
Being bored, loud voices in the morning,
Having no sugar for my coffee, Being cold,
when a dog barks and breaks the silence, washing dishes,
flakey people.


Quote to think about:

"Life's short. Eat the cake."

Life goes on. You're going to be disappointed at times, things aren't always going to go in your favor, and the people you thought you could rely on the most are going to let you down at some point. But that's no reason to give up. Get up, wipe the dirt off your pants, and carry on.


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View Journal

The forgotten journal

Most of the things written in here don't pertain to my life anymore and if they were real pages, I'd burn them and forget about it. But nothing is ever quite "deleted" from the internet, so here it remains.


View All Comments

ALAMAXOUT2 Report | 08/03/2010 9:27 pm
Hey kenz, I'm giving up Gaia. You want my stuff on here? I was gonna give it to you and/or Bobby.
Camdoo97 Report | 06/24/2010 11:49 am
cool avi
ALAMAXOUT2 Report | 05/08/2010 8:27 pm
Memoirii Report | 04/27/2010 6:20 pm
Ohh, I might not leave~ x)
Just leaving for a little bit to hopefully regain interest :C
HahaDeletedNoob Report | 04/02/2010 11:41 pm
Thanks for buying please take a look at some of my other stuff I need gold. =D
CallMeMom Report | 03/21/2010 8:46 pm
Not really, but it's cool! LOL
Divine Waters Report | 03/05/2010 3:09 am
Divine Waters
LOL Well, if it makes me think of an old cartoon then hell yes! XP
Divine Waters Report | 03/04/2010 8:32 pm
Divine Waters
There's a lot of them, but I really like yours. It makes me think of Rainbow Brite. hehe
Divine Waters Report | 03/04/2010 6:13 pm
Divine Waters
Oh I love how you used the Starmony hair! So cute! <3
tashamaria Report | 03/04/2010 1:01 pm
OOoh me me me! I havent been able to respond because my account wouldnt log in for weeks! im not sure why eiither. But i'll make a tek tek! and send asap!


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Dreams like these are going to bankrupt me.


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