
Hi Im Sarah im 18 years old im married in real life, I enjoy listening to music especially R&B and some underground rap. I also like to hang out with my best friend. I enjoy going shopping,Playing Halo 3, playing sports with my husband, and drawing....


Viewing 12 of 13 friends



Viewing 10 of 11 comments.


Report | 06/30/2008 11:51 am


<3 Hey there! I'm online right now. O... M... G... !!!...

Love ya!

Call me on Wed. I don't have to work. I have wednesday off, thursday off, and sunday off.

Report | 04/30/2008 8:14 pm


FAKE FRIENDS: Never ask for food

REAL FRIENDS: Are the reason you have no food

FAKE FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs

REAL FRIENDS: Call your parents Dad/Mom

FAKE FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong

REAL FRIENDS: Would sit next to you saying “Damn...We ******** up...But that s**t was fun

FAKE FRIENDS: Never seen you cry

REAL FRIENDS: Cry with you

FAKE FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back

REAL FRIENDS: Keep your s**t so long the forget its yours

FAKE FRIENDS: Know a few things about you

REAL FRIENDS: Could write a book about you with direct quotes from you

FAKE FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that‘s what the crowds doing

REAL FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds a** that left you

FAKE FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door

REAL FRIENDS: Would walk right in and say,“I‘m Home!“

FAKE FRIENDS: Are for awhile

REAL FRIENDS: Are forever

FAKE FRIENDS: Will talk s**t to the person who talks s**t about you

REAL FRIENDS: Will knock them the f**k out

FAKE FRIENDS: Would ignore this

REAL FRIENDS: Would send this to all their friends and would hope to get it back

If you were killed today, I’m sorry I wouldn’t be able to come to your funeral because I’d be in jail for killing the person who did it. First I want you to know that I love you to death and I think your amazing..If I don’t get this back I understand...I have a game for you. Once you read this letter, you must send it to 14 people that you really care about, including the person who sent it to you. If you get 7 back you’re AMAZING!

Report | 04/05/2008 10:18 pm


Hello! Remember me? RAWR!
Blank Dream

Report | 03/23/2008 9:45 am

Blank Dream

hey happy easter sarah, long time no see

Report | 03/15/2008 7:53 pm


I'm great!!! How's life?

Report | 03/06/2008 8:13 pm



Report | 03/03/2008 8:37 pm


Hiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!! How are you?

Report | 03/02/2008 11:42 am


Haii LOL you shouldnt have left the jigsaw cause like this guy was there and like we were arguing for like hours and then we called it truce and it was like around 5 am in my time

Report | 02/27/2008 5:08 pm


THX, u 2!!!!

Report | 02/25/2008 9:34 pm


Rawr! Hi! :3