Stuff About Me
My name is
Sarah.I was born on
December 14th.My star sign is
Sagittarius.I have
1 sibling(s).
I am currently at
college.What I like about my studies is:
I get to meet a lot of really fun people and make art in a lot of different ways.What I dislike about my studies is:
RSI and a life spent with increasingly larger glasses. (Computers hurt your eyes over time, chums.)I joined Gaia when I was
12 years old and I'm still here because
the items are cool and the terrible economy makes me feel rich.Fun Questions:
Who is the last person you texted?
My study buddyWhat is the last book you read?
"Sabriel" by Garth NixWhat is your favorite food?
Food is miraculous and I would be a fool to choose just one.What is your relationship status?
FabulousAre you a cat or dog person?
I like cats but I LOVE dogs. Also, cats make me itchy.Are you introverted or extroverted?
Largely introverted with hints of extroversion when people are being babies about getting something done. What’s your sexuality?
Gender identity or orientation?Choose one word to describe you
Ambiguous What is your favoriteTV show?
Steven Universe Who is your OTP?
I have too many. I could be a really terrible matchmaker.
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years back and that was when I was in grade 10. Damn.
got my comment. C: Very few of my earlier
friends here go on, and I think most have left
for good. I usually take my hiatus often, so I
let people know.