Viewing Kami x Kayla's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hello there, and welcome to my profile.
My name is Kayla, but please call me Kitty! I'm a 20 year old University student, pursuing my dreams of Photography. Send me a message if you'd wish to converse-- I'm always up for a friendly chat.
Random comments and PMs are pretty nifty and I do enjoy them. :3
Preferably no random friend requests. I do like to know the person I am befriending, so if you do send a friend request please send a PM along with it.
If you do not send me a PM when you send a friend request, I will sadly have the decline your friend request. I apologize for this!
Donations will always loved. :3
Especially if it's more then 1k ;D
Thank you to all the people who have donated to me, you've been a great help! You shall have a special place in my heart. (and on my profile. <3 )

(゚ω 。 7
 l、 ~ヽ
Neko Nyan~!

People who Donated to meh:
Psychotic_Ruler- 405k <3 I wubbbsss you friend~~~
II Syndicate II - Fausto's Bottle, Sexy Present (Valentines day 2k9), Tsunami KO Classic Coat, Tsunmi KO Classic Pants, Angelic Lace, G-LOL Dark Mistress Top and Skirt, and 6k Thank yew very very much~. <3
Pyro zuki - 4.5k Arigatou gozaimasu! =D ((Thank you very much!))
Kyo06 - 28.4k Omggg!! Thankyouthankyou very very much!!
Masterful Bunny Leo: Cecil. Thank you sooo very much! <33
all dat n a bag of chips: 15k Thank you soo much! <3
HeartMooneh: 1k Thank you very much ^^ (First random donation~)
Breast Enhancements: 1 Pink Carnation, 577g Thanks! <3
xXRazzle_Stix_RawrXx: Earl Grey Tea Time Waitress Dress. Thank you ~! <3
Lance Bogarth: Chai Tea Time Waitress Dress, Orange Pumpkin-Head Wig, and Pumpkin Orange Shredded Skirt. Thank you! :vDD

Don't click.
..I warned you!


Viewing 12 of 37 friends


Stories and things I've made. :3

Stories I've written, Avi's I've made, Drawings I've drawn, and things I've created. ^^



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Politely Polkadotted

Report | 10/11/2014 4:43 pm

Politely Polkadotted

I watched your profile vid and almost died laughing. That is my life haha heart
Miss Teabiscuit

Report | 11/08/2013 6:58 pm

Miss Teabiscuit

I am, yes.
Miss Teabiscuit

Report | 11/08/2013 6:55 pm

Miss Teabiscuit

Playing gaia as usual, met a lot of people since we spoke last.
Miss Teabiscuit

Report | 11/05/2013 6:43 pm

Miss Teabiscuit

Hi kayla how are you? I haven't seen you in a long time.
Lifeless Marionette

Report | 11/03/2012 1:38 pm

Lifeless Marionette

I'm not sure honestly.
Yeah, it was just horrible. I don't want to ever go through anything like that again.
Lifeless Marionette

Report | 11/02/2012 8:05 pm

Lifeless Marionette

Yeah, it can't be fixed :c
Lifeless Marionette

Report | 11/02/2012 7:18 pm

Lifeless Marionette

It was very scary :c A roof totaled my moms car.
Lifeless Marionette

Report | 11/02/2012 7:09 pm

Lifeless Marionette

Yeah. everyone is okay :c There's still so many people without power still. There was a lot of damage.
Lifeless Marionette

Report | 11/02/2012 6:51 pm

Lifeless Marionette

l power here because of the hurricane ;~; Only got it back today.
Lifeless Marionette

Report | 10/26/2012 11:05 pm

Lifeless Marionette

I can't rememeber what we were talking about and I'm too lazy to go look xD I haven't been on here much because of school. And then when I am on here I'm too lazy to answer my messages. So I'm really sorry about that ^^;

