hello, im Jasmine, Dictator JJ/Fang Fang, Jackie or LegAL_DRUG you choose.Age:16
hair: brownish red
eye: black
i like making friends so feel free to add me, veiw my journal or whatever. ^^
P.S. I'm a BIG yaoi fan BEWARE!
Death Note
G Gundam/Wing/00/Seed/Destiny
Persona -Trinity Soul-
Soul Eater
Kyo Kara Maou
Fullmetal Alchemist
~ANIME Watching ~
07 Ghost
Tokyo Majin
Code Geass
~Fav Couples~
Fullmetal Alchemist- EdXAl, RoyXEd, EnvyXEd, RoyXHavoc, MaesXRoy
Saiyuki- SanzoXGoku
Inuyasha- SesshoumaruXInuyasha/Kouga/Miroku, KougaXInuyahsa/Miroku, InuyashaXMiroku, MirokuXSango
Kyou Kara Maou- MaouXWolfram, ConradXYuuri, WolframXYuuri
GunXSword- VanXRay
Death Note- LXLight, KiraXL
Gundam(All)- LockonXTieria, AthrunXKira
~Fav Bands ~
Abingdon Boys School
Dir en Grey
Maximum the Hormone
Acid Black Cherry
Venness Wu
Big Bang
1) Don't worry, your kid probably isn't gay, even though the pics hanging next to their bed looks like girls.
2) Don't get your kid an English CD for their birthday or any other gift giving holiday, they probably won't like it.
3) When they show you a pic of their favorite singer, don't instantly assume that it's a girl, it probably isn't.
4) If you walk into the room while they are on the computer and they minimize the window instantly, don't be offended, it's probably for your own protection.
5) Don't be surprised if their total clothing and make-up style changes
6) If they start speaking a language that is almost English, but not quite, don't worry. Its called Engrish. You'll get used to it.
7) Don't insult their favorite J-Rockers.
8 ) When they start talking about Lucifer, they aren't worshiping Satan.
9) Buy more ink jet cartridges for the printer, the more pics the fan has, the happier they will be.
10) Don't be surprised when you can no longer talk to your child about anything except Japan.
11) Be prepared to learn more than you ever had, about something you never wanted to know about.
12) A man in a dress is sexy, no matter what you say, nothing can change that.
13) Don't correct them when they spell the name hide with a lower case h, that's how it's done.
14) When they collect scrap fabrics to make plushies, don't worry, they aren't practicing voodoo.
15) It doesn't matter that they don't know what the singers are saying, don't bother arguing about it.
16) J-Rock isn't a phase and they won't grow out of it
Weird is good, strange is bad, and odd is when you don't know which to call someone. Weird is the same as different, which is the same as unique, than weird is good. If you are weird and proud of it, copy this onto your profile!
If you have ever tripped over air, copy this into your profile.
If your profile is long, copy and paste this on it to make it even longer.
98 of people try and fit in with the crowd. If you are the remaining 2 that strives to be different copy and paste this in your profile.
"Dear God,
Please take his soul to the most peaceful corner in heaven with his beloved guitar and cigarettes to keep him company. Until I’m done living this life to the fullest and the gate opens for me without effort." -Mizuki Mochizuki (Kagen no Tsuki ~Last Quarter)
"Just who the hell do you think I am?!" –Kamina (Gurren Lagann)
"You were always smiling, real friendly like, but the way you smiled was so empty it hurt to watch you." -Wolfwood to Vash (Trigun)
"We were born for something, we die for something, if that is the fate we can’t resist it. Traveling down the road that can’t be seen, that which lies ahead is the end of life. That is truly the guidance of god." Emilio (Gundam 00)
'Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome." -Isaac Asimov
"I shall become Death, shatterer of worlds." -J. Robert Oppenheimer
original fiction: http://www.fictionpress.com/u/531122/Indalecio
fanfiction: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/1570580/Allen_Sario
deviantart: http://kaoru-is-mine.deviantart.com/
myspace: http://www.myspace.com/dead_on_arrival_elf
youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/kaoruisMINE222 & http://www.youtube.com/user/ITACHIandENVY
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The pv for Maze is SO creepy. But I love it.
Yay! soon the world will know.
And I got my beffy Vivi to listen to D'espairsray, and she LOVED it. She was just upsset she couldn't understand what they were saying.
I'm just glad my dad could care less what I listen to, he just hates all my music. n_n
It made me lol so much.