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The many hairs of Kie:
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Kieili's Journal

MY JOURNAL (How original)

It's my journal. Can you read it? Well damn I wouldn't post if ya couldn't.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/31/2009 7:32 pm


Just pick a number from this list. It's just one of the ways we keep up with the profiles and such.

Report | 07/31/2009 7:24 pm


I didn't really get into Bleach all that much either. It's just the easiest thing to compare Buso Renkin to. The name is really more of an extra thing, but it's nice to throw around. But yeah, in the case of your character, the locket would be the thing that holds the power. It doesn't necessarily have to turn into anything like a sword or gun or anything, if it can make your character do super things like super speed, super strength, fire lasers, or whatever, then you're straight. To be quite frank, I'm tired of seeing people just say their weapon's a sword. I'd like to see some creativity in people's profiles, but that's just me.

Report | 07/31/2009 7:13 pm


Alright, you watch Bleach, right? You know how everyone gets their own--whachamacallit--zampakuto? Well, that's sorta how the kakugane works in this world. A kakugane is basically an item that can turn into a weapon. That weapon gives its users special powers. What type of powers? Well, that's for you to decide for your character. The "Buso Renkin" is pretty much what that weapon is called. I think it translates to "Arms Alchemy" or in other words, a weapon of alchemy. You following?

Report | 07/31/2009 4:11 pm


Wouldn't have it any other way. Make it good, and of course if they're any questions, ask away.

Report | 07/31/2009 4:09 pm


Second. Each thread is a place and when your character needs to go to a certain place, you write your character leaving one thread and entering another.

Report | 07/31/2009 4:00 pm


Yes, exaci-tact-ly! cool

Report | 07/31/2009 3:55 pm


When I say Sci-fi, I mean kinda sci-fi. Well, you'll find out soon enough. Hope to see you there.

Report | 07/31/2009 3:44 pm


Well, the it's based on an anime called Buso Renkin, but other than the concept, we don't take much from it. Genre wise, I'd call it somethin' of a sci-fi/military-esque/slightly horror type of thing, with high schoolers and whatnot. I'll send you an invite, you could look over the guild, accept or decline, whatever works. Good, active RPer's is always a nice addition to an RPing guild. You are good and active, right? lol

Report | 07/31/2009 3:33 pm


You still into role playing? Were you ever into role playing? Well, you right stories, right? Oh yeah, you came up with Celestian. Anyway, RP, yes. Up to joinin' a guild?


"You don't understand. .. I really didn't want to leave you any clues. I really planned never to go back to Arkham Asylum. But I left you a clue anyway. So I... I have to go back there. Because I might need help. I... I might actually be crazy."