Viewing Andrew-Kun-Savior's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


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Just Updated (12/24/2007)

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For all of those who do not know who I am, I am Andrew. I am currently attending a American private middle school in Taiwan.
I am in 8th grade and I'm an only child, but I got tons of cousins.
I was originally born in Hawaii, and I am now learning 3 languages: Chinese(first language), English(the language that I am better at), and Japanese.
I would gladly accept you as a friend, but due to time differences, I might not be online most of the time. I would gladly accept Nice people to befriend with me that is if you don't mind.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

My Other Information On MyselfUser Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Western Zodiac: Pisces, the two fishes.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Chinese Zodiac: Dog, but I am afraid of them.


Gender: Male

Age:13(turning 14 on March)

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Total Value: 465,021 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Hermes' Moon 2nd gen
Angelic Microphone
Snow Witch
Let it Snow
Frostbite Blade
Western Zodiac
Summoning Tome
Winter Rose
Gift of the Goddess
Gift of the Gods
Mythic Hair
Dashing Gentleman Pristine White Gloves
Long White Socks
White Tuxedo Pants
White Tuxedo Jacket

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Viewing 12 of 82 friends





Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Annabella Goddess Of Ice

Report | 02/17/2010 9:02 pm

Annabella Goddess Of Ice

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~An Amazing Quest for an Alluring Item~

Fun, fun.
I'm a freshman in college. xD

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Annabella Goddess Of Ice

Report | 02/17/2010 8:06 am

Annabella Goddess Of Ice

Ha ha, thanks.
Good luck with yours as well.
What grade are you in again?
Annabella Goddess Of Ice

Report | 02/16/2010 9:57 am

Annabella Goddess Of Ice

User ImageUser Image
~An Amazing Quest for an Alluring Item~

Trust me, I know how you feel.
College is really stressful.
And it doesn't help that I'm planning my wedding.
Gotta take care of the wedding and study for exams.
Not fun at all. -_-

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Annabella Goddess Of Ice

Report | 02/14/2010 11:20 am

Annabella Goddess Of Ice

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~An Amazing Quest for an Alluring Item~

Okay. xd
So how have you been?

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Annabella Goddess Of Ice

Report | 02/12/2010 8:56 am

Annabella Goddess Of Ice

Sadness. sad
Annabella Goddess Of Ice

Report | 01/05/2010 10:27 pm

Annabella Goddess Of Ice

Yeah, I know.
You should go more often.
And come talk to me in my Quest Thread.
Cuz I need people to talk to. >.<
Annabella Goddess Of Ice

Report | 01/04/2010 1:42 pm

Annabella Goddess Of Ice

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~An Amazing Quest for an Adorable Item~

They were jealous of my stuff.
But I reported them and their accounts got banned.
I'm just waiting for Gaia to give me my stuff back.
Hopefully it'll be soon.

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Annabella Goddess Of Ice

Report | 01/03/2010 10:13 am

Annabella Goddess Of Ice

User ImageUser Image
~An Amazing Quest for an Alluring Item~

Hye there.
What's up?
Guess who got hacked?
By her friends?
Yup, me. -_-

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Report | 12/22/2009 9:25 am


Just finished high-school. =w= And busy taking care of my grandmother while getting ready for Christmas. Sorry for the late reply. ^^;


Report | 11/24/2009 4:35 pm


hey if you ever do find me on myspace.... you can see what i finally look like!
incase you were always wondering.. haha xD

