Have my babies! heartemotion_bigheartemotion_bigheartemotion_bigheartemotion_bigheartemotion_bigheartemotion_bigheartemotion_bigheartemotion_bigheartemotion_bigheart
Sean does it all the time too and it's so hard to accept the compliment. So I always just end up saying,"Okay."
I'm sure it makes him really upset that I'm like that. I can only answer back like that or in horrid sarcasm.
So he'll kiss me and say something like,"You're so pretty."
And then I reply with,"NUAH, YOU'RE PRETTY emotion_awesome "
And that's good. You and Kyle seem to compliment each other more than you and buttface did.
I always thought for whatever reason if I had a boyfriend, I would really stop caring about the way I look.
That only half worked. Some times I don't care. And then some days I really care and just make myself sad.
I won't lie, mine helped too. But I was so upset that I had these stretch marks I just stopped taking them. I was thinking pretty much how they wrecked my body and now I'll really never be happy with the way I look. So it was pointless to me to continue taking them.
End of grade 12 I started taking anti depressants and I had rapid weight gain and now I have a s**t ton of stretch marks all over my stomach so I stopped taking them.
That's good they're working for you though.
< Avi art from Trojan.exe I love Arcane_FrostPrincess emotion_bigheart
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I'm sure it makes him really upset that I'm like that. I can only answer back like that or in horrid sarcasm.
So he'll kiss me and say something like,"You're so pretty."
And then I reply with,"NUAH, YOU'RE PRETTY emotion_awesome "
And that's good. You and Kyle seem to compliment each other more than you and buttface did.
And I meant 300bil.
My bad emotion_8c
That only half worked. Some times I don't care. And then some days I really care and just make myself sad.
Ahahah, like 300mil emotion_8c
And I'm at a pathetic 2bil now. >w<
And these nasty a** sleeping pills.
Some people have to try a bunch out before they find the right one.
And unless you can afford laser surgery, they're there for life.
That's good they're working for you though.