If you're here, then you are clearly curious about me
Hello there, I suppose your curiosity has led you here, but I’m afraid I don’t have much to say about myself. I am Selene “Midknight” Darklight, alchemist, merchant and dress maker.
I’m the owner “Dusty Memories” which specializes in uncommon goods and elegant outfits at affordable prices.
Is there anything else? Ofcourse, but the rest is not something I want to carelessly reveal to just anyone.
I’m the owner “Dusty Memories” which specializes in uncommon goods and elegant outfits at affordable prices.
Is there anything else? Ofcourse, but the rest is not something I want to carelessly reveal to just anyone.
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kute avi
I saw you on the forum (I'm following you by the way ^__^)
I just thought I'd comment to say that I LOVE your avi!
It's so cute x3