
metallight14's avatar

Last Login: 10/12/2008 11:00 pm

Registered: 07/21/2007

Gender: Male

Location: BFE, Cali


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I am 15. and in high school.... Damn i hate school. I am a crazy, a perfectionist, and just all around quite mentally screwed but i am stilled a person. life is pretty much a joke to all the time period. it keeps me from being depressed all the time. Alot of people tell me i am a genius i don't know if its true but i know people tell me that but it could be debated because i do a lot of very stupid things sometimes......a lot.


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WARNING-This is not a toy Report | 10/29/2007 11:37 am
WARNING-This is not a toy
Happy Halloween!
juliet-capulet94 Report | 08/25/2007 5:53 pm
too late i had uhhh... a..... forgot(cuz retarded)...uhhhoh yea quasideas(not good at spanish) or sumin like dat?

looks confused* andeating onions like apples ok mr.grinch!!! User Image
Sadistic Curiosity Report | 08/25/2007 3:13 pm
Sadistic Curiosity
Yeah, I just figured that out when I did another today, eh, heh... sorry about that.

But, crying releases pain, and releasing pain is good.

Just not on yourself... >_>;.
juliet-capulet94 Report | 08/25/2007 2:55 pm
yay!!! i dont know wat to eat... i could make a bratwurst or maybe a salad....OMG "BRIGHT IDEA" BOTH!!!!!!!
juliet-capulet94 Report | 08/25/2007 2:29 pm
wow u r original and yes i am hungry but u probably dont have a the ultimate whopper in your fridge with extra onions (im a freak)
juliet-capulet94 Report | 08/25/2007 1:17 pm
first of all nice corset and secong buscuits r good u think negitave and ...well if u thought negitive about "buscuits" then maybe u would like them most guys like "buscuits" dont they any way i have no foodand im hungry and your not wierd compared to most jus original.:nod3:
Sadistic Curiosity Report | 08/25/2007 12:17 pm
Sadistic Curiosity
Crying o.O;...?

Where did crying come from?
juliet-capulet94 Report | 08/25/2007 8:07 am
first of all u cant get fat from an apple or get full unless ur an anorexic and i dont u think you r. buscuits r sooo good expecial with honey and jelly and gravy i love buscuit... anty ways dont worry about it guys think gross and wierd we all knoe it women already knoe wat guys think b4 they say it. and if u dont like an eve you can always get with steve User Image
sad and lonely pixie Report | 08/13/2007 11:34 am
sad and lonely pixie
Glad your home lil borther and I can't wait to see you too! be home before every one knows it love you guys
Sadistic Curiosity Report | 08/11/2007 2:50 pm
Sadistic Curiosity
You got chased by a bear... that must have been whicked XD!

Glad to hear that you had a excellent time down when you went camping, but, there will be other times hopefully where you'll go fishing and actually catch something ~nods~, yep, yep.


yeah, it kind of does look like a halloween thing... ~shrugs~ never thought of that one.

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god damn it, i forgot!

i will find you... then...