~* Me *~

PiNk Genie's avatar

Last Login: 10/28/2008 11:49 pm

Registered: 07/27/2007

Gender: Female

Location: Inside your brain!

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What I'm wearing for all of those wondering fans

Leave a message after the beep. BEEP!

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gotc Report | 07/27/2008 5:14 pm
hey nice profile
User_11309602 Report | 06/30/2008 9:33 am
Hey Are You British?
Astonian Report | 06/29/2008 4:29 pm
Astonian Report | 06/29/2008 3:38 pm
You are no longer pink.
-CorrieBee- Report | 06/03/2008 8:36 am
Yo! what up!how r u
MeShellMyBelle Report | 05/27/2008 8:16 am
ty ty =) Yours is looking really cute too. I hope you reach your dream avi soon.
Poe-tae-toee Report | 05/25/2008 6:05 pm
Thats cool. Yeah it will take awhile but I'm sure you can do it!

A friends friend gave it to me ages ago.
Poe-tae-toee Report | 05/24/2008 8:54 am
I'm doing okay! How are you?

I see your regaining stuff back!
MeShellMyBelle Report | 05/18/2008 8:09 pm
I'm doing good. And how about you? By the way, I still can't get over the cute art you drew. Thanks so much =)
Poe-tae-toee Report | 05/18/2008 8:07 pm


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Since I am slouching and applying tiny icon clothing to my little icon Gaian that lives oh so happily in the world of Gaia that lives happily on the solar system of The Internet the lives oh so happily in the Universe of "Shyann's Most Slow Macintosh Known to Man", I will talk about myself on my profile. My name is Shyann and I would rather not say my age. (No I'm not an old lady, I just finished watching a very scary movie about serial killers on the Internet.) Anyway... I look nothing like my avatar. In real life I have short brown hair and nearly black eyes. Since I'm not online often I like to spend my hours playing soccer or visiting a friend.
School is fine. It is just messy. I don't see how I am going to use all this "Knowledge" to become a Archeologist or a Therapist but they must have some reason for my sufferings of looking at a book and copying down on paper.
My mom and dad are divorced so I switch houses like most confused children do. In this case most confused teenagers do. (Yes, I know! I told you that I'm a teenager. But you need to guess if I'm 13,14,15,16,17,18, or 19! :p.)
So what I trying to say is...
I a girl with brown hair that likes sports.
Thanks for reading!

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