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Made by: Me

Otakon 2009:
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Otakon 2008:
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Name: Rufus ShinRa
Age: 21
Job: President of ShinRa Electric Power Company
Weapon: Firearms (preferably handguns and/or shotguns)
Pet: Dark Nation

Introduction Speech:
I'm Rufus ShinRa (ルーファウス神羅, Rūfausu ShinRa), President and CEO of the ShinRa Electric Power Company (神羅電気動力株式会社). When the ex-SOLDIER Sephiroth (セフィロス, Sefirosu) murdered my father, former President ShinRa, I stepped up from my position as Vice-President to take matters into my own hands. I prefer to rule through fear, unlike my father who used money, power, and empty promises to get his ways. Being the leader of such an important company and world government can be tough at times, but it's a challenge I'm more than willing to tackle, just don't get in my way.

Business Meeting (All these pics are me IRL):

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"...I'll let you here my new appointment speech. Old man tried to control the world with money. It seems to have been working.The population thought that Shinra would protect them. Work at Shinra, get your pay. If a terrorist attacks, the Shinra will help you. It looks perfect on the outside. But I do things differently. I control the world with fear. It takes too much to do it like my old man. A little fear will control the minds of common people. There's no reason to waste money on them."-Me to Cloud's Group


Viewing 12 of 106 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/17/2011 11:45 pm


Still have some hate for my stored away, I see. Tmph. What a shame it is to be stuck in the past.

Report | 04/04/2011 2:25 pm



Report | 12/08/2010 9:29 pm


Happy birthday, evil twin >;[

Report | 11/17/2010 8:18 pm


You are amazing.
Random, yes, but NoNo adores Rufus. ;;
The Real Raijin

Report | 10/18/2010 4:05 pm

The Real Raijin

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Click Here

If you would like to join us again, feel free to post in the thread. We are going farther than just Square-Enix cosplays this time.
Narcissistic Carnival

Report | 09/09/2010 5:54 pm

Narcissistic Carnival


Report | 08/25/2010 3:57 pm


It has occurred to me that perhaps you are the only person in the miserable city of Midgar that can offer me some intellectual stimulation.

And with the two of us, we would be unstopable. A force to be feared by every living being on this rock.

Report | 08/07/2010 2:51 pm


The Real Raijin

Report | 08/05/2010 6:26 pm

The Real Raijin

We like to move it, move it, we like to move it, move it....we like to....move it!

View the Masta Plan

This things gonna be big, we're gonna have to call it "Moby".
If your a cosplayer....you want to be part of this! and spots are limited so jump on it today.

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The Real Raijin

Report | 07/22/2010 10:52 pm

The Real Raijin

Your invite to a massive square-enix cosplay gathering

P.S. You will be able to meet more cosplayers by posting


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